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Stipendiary training interview on 15.02.2025 - UVH,KOKKALAI | Republic Day Celebration 2025 - KVASU Pookode | Notification for the post of Research Assistant and one Animal Assistant in the LSD vaccine project by IIL , Hyderabad | Engagement of Teaching Assistants at CDST, Pookode | Sale of goats - LRS Thiruvazhamkunnu. | Notification for the vacancy of Teaching Assistant in the Dept.of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics on daily wage basis at CVAS Pookode.
E-mail: Phone: 0480 - 2746065
No. CBF/A-720/2012 Thumburmuzhy, Dated:. 23-12-2012.
Sealed quotations are invited for the supply of Mobile Slurry Tanker, with the following specifications.
1) Slurry Tank should be of 3000 liter capacity, made of 3mm MS sheet mounted on a trailor which can be attached to tractor.
2) Inside of the Tanker should be coated with rust proof paint.
3) Trailor should be fitted with a 5HP Diesel Engine and Slurry Pump.
4) Suitable cover for the Diesel Engine and Slurry Pump for protecting from rain using G-I sheet should be provided.
5) The Slurry Pump should have all necessary attachments (Suction & discharge) for pumping slurry into the tank and discharging slurry from the tank to outside fodder fields using the diesel engine.
6) Size of Suction pipe should be 3” 8 metre length and discharge 2 ½” 8 metre.
7) Two ball valves of 2 ” and 2 1/2” size should be provided for evacuating the contents
without the help of the slurry pump from the tanker.
The envelope containing the quotations should be superscribed “Quotation for the supply of Slurry tank” and be addressed to the Professor and Head i/c, Cattle Breeding Farm Thumburmuzhy, Konnakuzhy Post, Chalakkudy (Via), Thrissur (Dt), Kerala – 680 721. The amount quoted should be inclusive of all taxes. The quotationer should remit an EMD of Rs. 2,500/-
Payment will be effected only after ensuring the quality of the item supplied.
Last date for receipt of quotation will be 3.00 pm on 10-01-2013 and the uotation will be opened at 3.p.m on the same day in the presence of the quotationers or authorized representatives. The supply should be effected within one month from the date of supply order.