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Rank lists - Provisional appointments through District Employment Exchange - TVCC Pookode | Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the temporary engagement of Teaching Assistants on daily wage basis at College of Veterinary 7 Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Leadership training programme for students union/university union & installation of KVASU union
Thrust areas of research : Biowaste management, Bioenergy production, Integrated farming for effective recycling of farm waste
Details and PP size photo of person heading the school (link to profile as per the data collected recently will be added)
Staff structure :Professor & Head (W/A) (LPM)
Assistant Professor -2 (LPM)
Office Assistant/Computer Assistance
Accomplishments – Biodiesel tested at Bharat Petroleum Corporation Limited, Ambalamugal and has been certified to have BIS standards.
Academic activities (Course/trainings offered etc…) : Trainings on Biowaste Management, Biogas production, Aerobic composting, Biodiesel production and Integrated farming for recycling of farm waste.
Associated with Nirmalagramam project in Alapuzha. Members act as resource persons in farmers training and technical training. More than 200 such assignments have been completed. Technical advice on biogas production, composting and establishing integrated farming based on livestock and poultry for effective farm waste management.
Francis Xavier and Deepak Mathew D.K. Futuristic Strategies for Fodder and Waste Management in Climate Change Scenario-: In Fundamentals of Livestock Meterology Vol. II., KVASU, Publication
Francis Xavier and Deepak Mathew D.K MalinyaNirmarjanathinu Thumburmuzhy model : : In Mrigasamrakshanam Ulpathana Vardanavinu Arivinte Edukkal,- KVASU Publication.
John Abraham & Ramesh Saravanakumar (2016) Chapter Title: Bio-fuel from Animal Fat Book Title: Frontiers in Bio-energy& Bio-fuel, Publisher: Intech-2016. Pp 5509 – 110371, ISBN 978-953-51-5024-4.
Rajkiran. T. R. Sreenivas, P and John Abraham (2017) Production of Biodiesel from Bio-Waste. Int. J. Innov. Res. Sci. Engg. Technol., Vol. 6:Issue 6. 169-174.
Deepak Mathew D. K., Francis Xavier & Naseer K. A. Thumburmuzhy model aerobic composting, an ideal method to deal with biodegradable waste- in Fourth International Congress on Kerala studies, 9-10, 2016
John Abraham, Ramesh Saravana Kumar, Francis Xavier, Joseph Mathew and Deepak Mathew D. K. Animal waste goes into your diesel tank- in Fourth International Congress on Kerala studies, January 9-10, 2016
John Abraham, Ramesh Saravanakumar and Deepak Mathew (2017) Utilisation of broiler slaughter waste for biodiesel, carcass meal and glycerol production. Chapter 49 of Climate Change and Sustainable Food Production. ISBN 978-93-86724-13-7. Excel India Publishers. New Delhi.
John Abraham, Jyothi. S.B and Chintu Ravishankar (2018) Comparison of two new digester designs for bio-gas production using cattle dung as substrate. Ind. J. Anim. Prod. Manage. Vol. 33(3-4) : 31-33.
Jyothi. S.B, John Abraham, Deepak Biradar and Sachin. S.P (2018). Bio-gas production potential of ruminant and non-ruminant animal excreta. Ind. J. Anim. Prod. Manage. Vol.33 (3-4) : 82-85.
Pallan, A.P, Raja, S.A., Varma, C.G and Deepak M., (2018) Holistic Scrubber for the Purification of Biogas from Community and Household Digesters. Int. Rev. Mech. Engg. (IREME) ISSN: 1970-8734, Vol 12, No 1 : 9-17. (Scopus indexed)
Pallan, A.P, Raja, S.A., Varma C.G, Deepak M., Anil K.S and A. Kannan (2018) Biogas production from community waste to optimize the substrate for anaerobic digestion. Int. Rev. Mech. Engg. (IREME) (IREME) ISSN: 1970-8734, Vol 12, No 7 : 580-589 (Scopus indexed)
John Abraham and Jyothi, S.B. 2019. Advances in Bio-methanisation Technologies. J. Ind. Vet. Assoc. Vol; 17, Issue 2, August 2019. 07-14
How to associate in research with the school : Research project proposals related to the mandate of the school can be submitted, which can be undertaken on getting permission from competent authority of the University after allocation of funds.
Professor & Head and Implementing Officer,
School of bioenergy studies and farm waste management,
Dept. of LPM,
CVAS, Mannuthy
Mob : 9847083609
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