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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
Undergraduate : BVSc & AH
Name of the Institution | Number of seats |
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy | 125 |
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode | 100 |
Fifteen per cent of the total seats approved by VCI shall be reserved to be filled in on an All India basis through a common entrance examination conducted as NEET conducted by the Government of India.
Category | B.V.Sc & A.H | |
CVAS Mannuthy | CVAS Pookode | |
19 | 15 |
Children of Agriculturist |
1 | 1 |
Children of Farm Labourers/ Permanent Labourers of KVASU |
1 | 0 |
VHSE (Livestock Management)/HSE (Dairy Farmer Entrepreneur course/Small poultery farmer course |
2 | 1 |
Diploma holders (Laboratory Techniques & Poultry Production Programmes) and BSc PPBM holders |
1 | 2 |
Sports quota (Team event) |
1 | |
Livestock Inspectors (LS) |
1 | 1 |
Pharmasist (AH) Dept |
1 | |
NCC quota |
1 | |
Lakshadweep Nominees1 |
1 | 1 |
Jammu & Kashmir Nominee |
2 | 0 |
Children of serving defence personel (SD) |
0 | 1 |
Defence killed/Missing /disabled inaction (DK) |
1 | 0 |
TOTAL | 31 | 23 |
Internal Assessment | Course coverag | ||
First Second Third |
30% 60% 90%
Max Marks 40 Max Marks 40 Max Marks 40 |
Weightage 10 Weightage 10 Weightage 10 |
Annual Examination (Theory) |
Paper-I Paper-II |
Max Marks 100 Max Marks 100 |
Weightage 20 Weightage 20 |
Annual Examination (Practical) |
Paper-I Paper-II |
Max Marks 60 Max Marks 60 |
Weightage 20 Weightage 20 |
The evaluation of answer book shall be done by the concerned course teacher(s) whereas evaluation of answer books of annual theory examination shall be done by the external examiner(s). The practical examination shall be conducted by a Board of Examiners consisting of concerned Head of Department, teacher(s) and a representative of the Dean. The schedule of annual examinations shall be adhered to strictly and no re-examination shall be allowed in events of students’ strike, boycott, walkouts, medical grounds or what-so-ever may be the reason. A student should secure minimum 50% marks in theory as well as in practicals separately to pass the examination Every student of BVSc & AH degree course shall be required after passing the fourth professional examination to undergo compulsory rotating internship to the satisfaction of the University for a minimum period of twelve calendar months so as to be eligible for the award of the degree of BVSc & AH and full registration with the council. The assessment of each intern shall be based upon the evaluation of log book or project report, his or her performance reports from all minimum prescribe training postings, entrepreneurial output, clinical case reports and their presentations, viva and comprehensive examination in core competence in veterinary skills through a written test by an evaluation committee comprising of the faculty representing the concerned departments appointed by the Dean for this purpose. The minimum pass marks in internship assessment shall be 50 out of 100.
Attendance requirement:
The minimum requirement of attendance is not less than 75% of scheduled theory and practical separately for a single subject with a relaxation of twenty working days for NCC or NSS, Co-curricular activities and medical ground and for the course of 0+1 Credit, the relaxation shall be only seven days. A candidate having attendance below 75% in a subject shall not be eligible to appear in the annual examination of that subject.
Fee structure (semester wise)
Name of Programme |
Fees |
1st Professional Year |
2nd Professional Year |
3rd Professional Year |
4th Professional Year |
Internship* |
BVSc & AH |
Tuition fee |
20790 |
20790 |
20790 |
31185 |
20790 |
Special fee |
9556 |
6353 |
6353 |
9136 |
6353 |
Total Fee |
30346 |
27143 |
27143 |
40321 |
27143 |
*Subject to further notification by the University