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College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy was established in 1955 and is one of the constituent colleges of the newly established Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. The College has made extensive contribution for the development of animal husbandry sector of the state. In addition to development of human resources for serving the livestock farmers of the state, the college is also instrumental in various research, extension, consultancy and clinical services besides acting as a source of high quality germplasm and animal products to the farmers and general public respectively.
The livestock sector confers an immense contribution to the rural livelihood and food security of the masses. It provides employment to millions of livestock farmers while acting as a supplementary source of income to many agricultural farmers. It is also disproportionately benefits women being the primary animal husbandry activists in rural areas, and therefore, this sector serves a great contribution to economic and social wellbeing of women. Women involvement is more than 80% in this sector. Further, the sector provides valuable nutritional sources to the growing children and working population in the form of milk, meat and eggs.
Kerala, which forms only 1.13 percent geographic area of the country, is bestowed with a beautiful yet fragile ecosystem and is not very suitable for location of heavy industries. However, the vegetation is plenty and climate is hospitable showing little differences between summer and winter seasons, thus is very congenial for livestock and poultry farming. High population density and increased land pressure are the major issues affecting agricultural sector in the state. The human resources are generally of high quality with higher concern on health and welfare. This causes great demand for livestock food products like milk, meat and eggs, the major chunk is now sourced from the neighbouring states. Development of livestock farming in rural and semi-urban areas in Kerala is a high priority for the Government, which not only creates employment opportunities, but also augment the overall economy of the state.
Kerala is the only state in the country having complete network of Veterinary institutions at the Grama panchayat level. During the last four decades Kerala achieved spectacular growth in livestock sector in the country and could attain quantum jump in milk production.
Animal production, extension and research activities of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University would immensely and exponentially help in improving the economic, livelihood and food security of the public in general and rural folk of Kerala in particular.
College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur -680 651