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Research Facilities
Research facilities include rotary microtomes, a high resolution electronic camera suitable for taking photomicrographs and a well equipped PG research lab with facilities for routine and special histological and histochemical staining techniques.
Research news and Events
External Aided Projects
Name of the Project
Funding Agency
“Histomorphological comparison of skin in different breeds of rabbits”
P I :- Dr K M Lucy
Technology Transfer:- Present study confirms the occurrence of breed-specific characteristics in the skin of rabbits. High hydroxyproline and collagen contents and comparatively thick dermis in the skin of crossbred, Angora and Grey Giant are beneficial for endo-epidermal growth to promote healing which is a beneficial factor in farmer’s point of view.
AHD -2.04 lakh
“Morphohistological differentiation of skin & hair in wild and domestic small ruminants”
PI :- Dr S Maya
Technology Transfer:- In DNA barcoding, where Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit (COI) sequence of mitochondria was used as the barcode marker ideal for species identification of Cervus unicolor, Rusa timorensis and Capra hircus suggesting that unrecognizable wildlife specimens can be identified efficiently using DNA sequence-based analysis.
Comparative morpho-histology of muzzle in deer and goat, size of elevations was smaller in goat than in Sambar deer with narrow intermediate spaces and resembled pattern in spotted deer.
AHD -2.2 lakh
“Studies on anomalies of embryos causing low hatchability in chicken”
PI :- Dr S Maya
Technology Transfer: - Nucleotide sequence variation of ovomucoid gene observed in unhatched chick embryos with structural anomalies eventhough, a TAT deletion between nt 575 and nt 579 as noted in ovomucoid gene in ducks of low-hatchability group was not detected.
6.699 lakh
“Anatomical causes of infertility in crossbred dairy cows: structural and molecular studies on reproductive system”
PI :- Dr K M Lucy
On-going project
AHD- 10.8 lakhs