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Research News, Initiatives & External aided projects
Major Thrust Areas of Research
• Innovative Extension Methodologies for Technology Transfer
• Training Need Analysis for stakeholder categories
• Women empowerment and Self Help Group Movement
• Socio-Economic Analysis of Small Holder Livestock and Poultry Production Systems
• Traditional Knowledge of Indigenous communities in farming
• Indigenous Livestock Farming Systems
• Democratic decentralization and Animal Husbandry
• Intellectual Property Rights in Livestock sector
• Continuing Veterinary Education
• Communication and Adoption of Animal Husbandry Technologies
• Human Resource Management in Animal Husbandry Organizations
• Measurement of Attitude and Knowledge
• Application of ICT (Information Communication Technology) tools in Extension
• Entrepreneurship in Animal Husbandry sector
• Impact Assessment of Development Programmes
• Disaster Management Strategies
• Strategies for Sustainable Farming
External Aided Projects
1. Tribal indigenous knowledge systems and practices in livestock based livelihood (Attappady Wasteland Comprehensive Environmental Conservation Project)
Funded by: Overseas Development Assistance from Japan/AHADS Attappady, Kerala, India
2. Improving livelihood security of WSHGs involved in livestock rearing through capacity building in gender awareness
Lead Partners : RAGACOVAS Pondicherry and University of Reading, UK
Funded by : British Council, DFID, UK (Under DeLPHE Scheme)
3. Techno economic feasibility of dairying and allied activities among the beneficiaries of land distribution project to landless tribals of Kerala (TRDM), with special emphasis to wayanad district
Funded by: Department of Animal Husbandry, Government of Kerala,
4. Installation of touch screen information kiosks at various panchayats, assembly/parliament constituencies of Kerala
Funded by: The scheme of ‘Special Development Fund for MLAs’
5. Development of a training curriculum cum functional literacy programme for elephant keepers (mahouts) on scientific elephant management practices
Funded by: Guruvayur Devaswom Board, Thrissur, Kerala, India
6. Exploration, identification and characterization of various livestock rearing systems and agriculture linkages in district wise agro ecological zones of Kerala
Funded by: Kerala State Planning Board, Government of Kerala, India
7. Effective use of information technology in animal husbandry sector for
optimization of livestock productivity and marketing system (Pilot Project)
Funded by: Kerala State IT Mission, Government of Kerala, India
8. Impact Assessment of the Induction of Cow Scheme under Kuttanad Package - funded by Department of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Kerala
Plan Fund Projects
1. Ensuring better welfare and conservation of captive elephants in Kerala through participatory capacity building methods involving various stakeholders and associated folk
2. Capacity building of the scientists and students of KVASU and selected veterinary officials of the Dept. of Animal Husbandry, Govt. of Kerala on ICT oriented Interactive technology transfer methodologies
3. Improving nutritional and food security through need oriented behavioural modification programmes based on the scientific training curriculum designed and developed for the meat production sector in Kerala
4. Strengthening of milk security in Kerala though social analysis of smallholder dairy farming systems and capacity building of dairy farmers
5. Establishment of ICT oriented Interactive Communication laboratory at CVAS,Mannuthy for facilitating improved Livestock technology Delivery with technology networking and facilitation hubs at various centres of the Kerala Veterinary & AS University and other livestock production and management Institutions
6. Capacity building of the scientists and students of KVASU and selected veterinary officials of the Dept of Animal husbandry Govt of Kerala on ICT oriented Interactive technology transfer methodologies leading to better livestock production through effective technology Delivery System
7. Improving nutritional and food security through need oriented behavioural modification programmes based on the scientific training curriculum designed and developed for the meat production sector in Kerala