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Notification for Teaching Assistant - ULF&FRDS-Mannuthy | Notification-Spot Admission to MVSc, MTech & PhD programmes 2024-25 - KVASU | nterview notification for the posts of Feed Mill Instructor, Feed Mill Supervisor, Clerk cum Accountant, Lab Technical Assistant and Feed Mill Technician at Revolving Fund Poultry Project - ARS, Thiruvazhamkunnu
Extension Services
A. Trainings conducted/Conference organised:
1. Training on “Technology updates for enhancing milk production for dairy farmers” from 29.6.09 to 30.6 09 at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, sponsored by ATMA (Agricultural Technology Management Agency), Thrissur.
2. Short term training on “Routine laboratory procedures and handling of modern equipments for disease diagnosis” for paravet Staff of Animal Husbandry, Dept, Kerala (3 batches) from 13.7.09-17.7.09, 28.07.09- 1.08.09 and 17.11.09 - 21.11.09 in Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur.
3. Short term training on “Recent trends in diagnosis and control of infectious and contagious diseases” for Veterinary officers of Animal Husbandry Department (5 batches) from 2.9.09- 12.9.09, 30.10.09- 10.11.09, 14.11.09 – 24.11.09 ,1.2.2010 -11.2.10 and 19.4.10 to 29.4.10 in the Department of Veterinary Parasitology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Thrissur
4. Short term training on “Diseases of zoonotic importance with special emphasis on parasitic diseases” for Veterinary officers of Animal Husbandry Department – from 6.02.12- 10.2.12
5. Short term training on “Advanced concepts and techniques in the diagnosis and control of infectious and contagious diseases” for Veterinary officers of Animal Husbandry Department (3 batches) from 23-7-12 – 02-08-12, 29.10.12 – 08.11.12 and 14.11.12 – 23-11.12
6. Training on “Laboratory procedures and handling of modern diagnostic equipments for veterinary technicians” of Animal Husbandry Department (3 batches) from 4/2/13 to 8/2/13 , 11/2/13 to 15/2/13 and 18/2/13 to 22/2/13
7. ASCAD Training on “Laboratory procedures, collection, processing and despatch of clinical samples and handling of diagnostic equipments” for para veterinary staff of Animal Husbandry Department (2 batches) from 12/3/2018 to 16/3/2018 and 19/3/2018 to 23/3/2018
8. ASCAD Training on “Advanced concepts and techniques in the diagnosis and control of infectious and contagious diseases” for Veterinary officers of Animal Husbandry Department (single batch) from 2/5/2018 to 11/5/2018
9. Module coordinating department for three months training programmes for Assistant Directors, Dept. of Animal Husbandry, sponsored by AHD, Kerala
10. Organized the 24th National Congress of Veterinary Parasitology and National Symposium on “Towards food security through sustainable animal production and integrated parasite management” on 5th, 6th and 7th, February, 2014 at the College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy.
B. Camps-Participating and providing technical support
1. NSS camps organised by NSS Units
2. Field level disease investigation camps and diagnostic camps organized by Animal Husbandry Department, School Zoonoses and Pathobiology , Directorate of Entrepreneurship and various Govt. Local bodies
C. Revenue generation: -
Sale of specimens, slides to medical and other colleges generating internal revenue
D. Media alliance:
1. Radio talks
2. TV broadcast
3. Popular articles in dailies, magazines and leaflets
E. Resource persons:
Faculty act as resource persons for
1. Scientific trainings/workshops for Veterinary professionals and Research students
2. Awareness programmes on animal health care and personal health care for school children
3. Awareness programmes on animal health care and well being for farmers
4. Demonstration classes to students of paramedical / science students