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Notification for Teaching Assistant - ULF&FRDS-Mannuthy | Notification-Spot Admission to MVSc, MTech & PhD programmes 2024-25 - KVASU | nterview notification for the posts of Feed Mill Instructor, Feed Mill Supervisor, Clerk cum Accountant, Lab Technical Assistant and Feed Mill Technician at Revolving Fund Poultry Project - ARS, Thiruvazhamkunnu
The Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology came into existence along with the Kerala Veterinary College in 1950. The Department continue to impart knowledge and skills in large and small animal surgery to the undergraduate students since then. Post graduate programme was started in the department in the year 1973 and Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Surgery and Radiology in the year 1993. So far the Department of Surgery has come out with 53 M.V.Sc. thesis and six Ph.D. thesis. At present the Department is having an intake capacity of four post graduate students and two doctoral scholars in every year. Apart from the contributions in academics, the department is committed to extend clinical services to the farmers and act as a referral centre for the Veterinarians in Kerala and nearing states.
Courses Offered for the following:
Resources (Advising, learning support, computing, Computer labs, libraries)
The Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology is equipped with two air conditioned operation theatres for small animals – one dedicated for ophthalmic and orthopedic surgeries and another for gastroenterological, gynecologic and general surgeries – where the students are getting access to the surgical procedures. The Theatres are provided with ceiling-mount halogen shadowless lamps, inhalation anaesthesia, ventilation and monitoring equipments, surgical microscope, surgical diathermy and ultrasonic dental scaler. A 500 mA X-ray unit enables large and small animal radiography.
The physiotherapy unit equipped with therapeutic diathermy, therapeutic ultrasound and diagnostic and therapeutic electric muscle stimulator. Video-endoscopy and laparoscopy units at the VH, Mannuthy are handled by the faculty of the Department. A practical class room with audiovisual aids, a collection of variety of surgical instruments and equipments, digital and visual documents of various surgical procedures and disease conditions and an exhaustive archive radiographs give the undergraduate and postgraduate students adequate exposure to the subject of surgery. Practical manuals for the undergraduate courses are also prepared and distributed to the students. A small departmental library is maintained for an easy and quick reference. The department is provided with computer with hi-speed broad band facility and access to around 2500 scientific journals are made available through the Aries Cell in the college. The faculty members always keep abreast with the latest developments in the field of surgery by closely following the latest literature and attending to trainings, summer schools and international symposia and seminars. The Department is financially contributing to the College through the charges for radiographs and the fees levied on small animal surgical procedures.