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KAU Research project completed
Ongoing KAU research projects
M.V.Sc. research projects completed
1.T. Sarada Amma 1975 Studies on vesico-colostomy and vesico-rectostomy in dogs
2. M. Sumangala 1980 Experimental studies on rumeno-rectal fistula in calves
3. K.R. Ayyappan, 1981 Treatment of fractures of tibia in calves and its radiographic evaluation
4. K. Rajankutty 1981 Studies on epidural anaesthesia in goats
5. R. Viswanathan 1981 Chloralhydrate for general anaesthesia in goats
6. Prahlad Sapkota 1985 Regional anaesthesia of the hindlimbs in goats using lignocaine hydrochloride
7. T.P. Balagopalan 1985 Influence of glyceryl-guiacol ether on anaesthesia in goats|
8. Mohinder Singh Bhadwal 1988 Experimentally induced torsion of spleen and its treatment in canines
9. John Joseph 1989 Lobectomy in goats
10. Kalyani Biswas 1990 Comparative study of healing of fracture of metacarpus in calves using different external immobilization methods
11. C.B. Devanand 1991 A comparative study of ketamine hydrocholoride and thiopentone sodium anaesthesia in birds|
12. Tulpule Deepak Surendra 1993 Xylazine-acepromazine anaesthesia in goats
13. P. Regi Varghese George 1993 Xylazine anaesthesia in calves with diazepam premedication
14. Lobo Fabiana 1994 Anaesthesia in pigeons and quails using ketamine and xylazine
15. Syam K. Venugopal 1994 Treatment of fracture of metacarpus in calves using autogenous rib grafts
16. John Martin, K.D. 1994 Paravertebral anaesthesia in goats using bupivacaine hydrochloride
17. Angamuthu Jayasudha 1995 Tracheal reconstruction in dogs under acepromazine-thiopental anaesthesia
18. C. Venkatesan 1995 Comparison of crushing and modified Gambee techniques for intestinal anastomosis in dogs under xylazine anaesthesia
19. J. David Suresh 1996 Superficial keratectomy for the management of corneal wounds in canines
20. P.T. Dinesh, 1998 Surgical management of experimentally induced coxo-femoral luxation in calves
21. A. Kumaresan 1998 Effect of metacarpal osteotomy and traction for lengthening of the fore limb in calves
22. Neelakanta praveen Pillai 2000 Cryosurgical treatment for experimentally induced cataract in dogs
23. S. Sooryadas 2001 Clinical evaluation of xylazine-propofol anaesthesia in canine surgery
24. S. Senthilkumar 2001 Processed oesophegeal allografts for hernioplasty in pigs
25. Shejo Jose 2001 Clinical and serum biochemical evaluation in surgery for alimentary tract obstruction in dogs
26. S. Anoop 2001 Management of tibial fractures in dogs using plaster of Paris cast and modified Thomas splint
27. Joshy George 2002 Ascending coccygeal venography in evaluation of paraplegia in dogs
28. D.Prasanna 2003 Surgical management of omphalitis in calves
29. Divya Balan 2003 Evaluation of poly vinyl chloride splints for the treatment of long bone fractures in dogs
30. Asha Latha 2004 Evaluation of partial thickness suturing technique for the repair of aural haematoma in dogs
31. Sachin J Shenoy 2004 Radiographic evaluation of otitis in dogs
32. Reshma Damodaran 2004 Evaluation and management of Urolithiasis in dogs
33. Philip M. Varghese. 2005 Clinical Evaluation of the comparative effect of Xylazine and Xylazine – Ketamine premedication in Thiopentone Anaesthesia in Dogs
34 Dileepkumar.K.M 2005 Contrast Radiography for the diagnosis of gastric disorders in dogs.
35. Laiju M. Philip 2005 Influence of Pre- Operative Dextrose infusion in Dogs for Elective Surgery
36. Julie.S 2005 Acrylic External Skeletal Fixator for the treatment of long Bone Fracture in dogs
37. T.A.RajI 2006 Processed Collagen Graft for the Treatment of Corneal Lesions in Dogs38. B.Venkateswaralu 2006 External Skeletal Fixation in Combination with Intramedullary Pinning for Management of Long Bone Fractures in Dogs
39. Renjith.M. 2006 Comparative efficacy of Xylazine and xylazine ketamine premedication on propofol anaesthesia for Caesarean section in Dogs
40. Jineesh Kumar.N.S. 2007 Evaluation and management of gastrointestinal outflow disorders in Dogs
41. Tessy Mathew 2007 Scleral approach for extra capsular cataract extraction in Dogs
42. Soumya Ramankutty 2008 Clinical evaluation of propofol-isoflurane anaesthesia with xylazine premedication in dogs
43. Ganesh.G. 2008 Intra-articular antimicrobial therapy and lavage for the management of arthritis in calves
44. K.M.Seena 2008 Epidural steroid therapy and ultrasound massage for the management of paraplegia in dogs.
45. T.S.Reshmi 2008 Evaluation and management of keratitis in dogs
46. V.M.Sheeja 2008 Radiographic evaluation and management of lower urinary tract disorders in dogs
47. V.Remya 2008 Management of fractures of extremities of long bones in dogs
Ph.D. research project completed
1. K. Rajankutty 1996 General anaesthesia in dogs using tiletamine-zolazepam
2. T. Sarada Amma 1998 Evaluation of the efficacy of diaphragmatic and omental transplants at the gastroesophageal junction in dogs
3. T.P. Balagopalan 1998 Processed aortic allografts for oesophagoplasty in dogs
4. C.B. Devanand 2000 Processed callagen sheets of canine and fish origin for cystoplasty in rabbits and dogs
5. K.D. John Martin 2007 Radiographic evaluation of pyometra and its management in dogs
Ongoing M.V.Sc. Research Projects
1. Evaluation and management of urolithiais in goats (Firoz Ali Darr)
2. Management of long bone fractures using acrylic bone plates (Santhi V K)