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A research project was carried out to explore the feasibility of incorporating coconut and its products in the manufacture of dairy products and standardizing the technique for manufacture. The physicochemical nutritional and organoleptic qualities of the products and their biological effect in lab animals was studied. In this project, coconut based dairy products like Filled milk, Yoghurt, Paneer and Whey drinks were successfully prepared and procedure for manufacture was standardized.
The products such as Filled milk, Paneer, Whey drink, Yoghurt and Coconut burfi, developed under the scheme “Development and standardization of Dairy Foods incorporating coconut” were subjected to consumer acceptability studies at the Coconut Development Board. All the products developed under the scheme could be successfully launched among the consumers
Another study was conducted to find out the fat and SNF contents of cross bred cows in Kerala and to see whether they are meeting the standards prescribed by the prevention of food adulteration Act. In an extensive study covering the entire state of Kerala collecting 6829 samples of milk directly from the farmers the following important findings were made. More than 38.12% of the animal produces milk with a fat percentage of less than 3.5. It was also found that 85.17% of milk samples collected from the farmers showed a SNF contents below the legal limits as stipulated by PFA. The average SNF content in cross bred cows in Kerala was found to be 8.2 %. The concerned report has been approved by the GoK and requested the Union Government of India to make required modification in the PFA standard.