Research News, Initiatives & External aided projects
Research Facilities
Facilities for Isolation and characterization of micro organisms up to molecular level are available.
PCR based diagnostic techniques have been standardized for various bacterial and viral diseases.
Recent research findings
Different inactivated vaccines were developed against duck pasteurellosis and on comparing their immunopotency, oil adjuvant vaccines were found to afford greater degree of protection.
PCR was successfully employed to detect Mycoplasma and Leptospira in mastitis milk.
RT- PCR, RNA-PAGE & AGID were used to diagnose bovine Rota virus infections in calves.
Saponin- aluminium adjuvanated vaccines were developed against Mycoplasma gallisepticum infections in chicken and they elicited significant humoral and CMI response in vaccinates.
Latex agglutination test was found to be an effective tool for flock screening of birds for M. gallisepticum antibodies.