Research News, Initiatives & External aided projects
Thrust Area
Nutrition and feeding, genetics and breeding, product processing, reproduction, characterization and management of various poultry species
Native Poultry and waterfowl evaluation, characterization and conservation
All India Coordinated Research Project on Poultry
Genetic improvement of commercial layer chicken\
Produced Athulya/ILM 90 commercial White Leghorn cross
Revolving Fund Poultry Project
An Autonomous, profitable project on revolving fund model.
Compounding, milling, mixing and supply of 12 varieties of poultry and animal feeds
Production and supply of day-old chicks and partly grown birds to farmers
Research News and Events
Organized 4th World Waterfowl Conference in 2009 November in association with World Poultry Science Association (WPSA) attended by national and international delegates. PI- Dr. P. Anitha
AICRP on Poultry at Mannuthy was adjudged as the best performed centre among AICRPs by ICAR in this five-year plan. PI- Dr. K. Narayanankutty