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Publication of rank list for the post of Pump Operator Grade II | GLOBAL LIVESTOCK CONCLAVE 2024 - PROGRAMME SCHEDULE FOR SEMINARS | Provisional List of Eligible Applicants for LSM Entrance Test | Recruitment of Assistant Professor-Backlog Vacancies notified - KVASU | KVASU invites applications from the eligible candidates for the appointment to the posts of Assistant Professor | Interview notifications for various posts - Meat Technology Unit - Mannuthy: Assistant Production Manager , Processing Assistant & Junior Quality Control Officer (17.12.2024 ), Assistant (18.12.2024)
Department of Dairy Chemistry is a professional and smooth functioning facility offering 17 credits to the B.Tech program (Dairy Chemistry) and it also offers M. Tech program since 2017. The Department possess a well-equipped laboratory for the undergraduate/Post graduate and Research students. The Department has exclusive Laboratory for instrumentation, Dairy Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Quality Control and Dairy & Food Analysis. It handles many number of research projects, the results of which will serve the common man. The Department has an exclusive centre for testing milk and milk products which will facilitate the public/farmer to test the milk products at any time at a reasonable rate. The centre provides Quality Awareness programmes for all the stake holders to create awareness among the public. The faculty is always updated on the recent trends in Food, Dairy sector by attending conferences, seminars and the knowledge acquired will be transferred to students, farmers, entrepreneurs and all those associated.