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Rank lists - Provisional appointments through District Employment Exchange - TVCC Pookode | Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the temporary engagement of Teaching Assistants on daily wage basis at College of Veterinary 7 Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Leadership training programme for students union/university union & installation of KVASU union
This department spearheads Kerala’s only under-graduate professional programme in Dairy Technology and provides elite ‘human resource’ for various managerial positions in dairy industry in the country and abroad. The department has made significant contributions to the development of technological know-how for the dairy/food processing industry. The major areas of research include development of ready- to- use dairy foods, development and standardization of conventional milk based products in Kerala, developing new packaging technologies for extended and long life milk and milk products, development of functional dairy foods, fusion of modern technologies in the processing of value added traditional milk products for minimizing processing cost, energy management etc.
Dairy Technology Lab
The laboratory houses sufficient facilities for conducting the practical sessions of Dairy Technology courses for B.Tech (Dairy Science & Technology) students.
Smt. Beena R. L., Assistant Professor and Head (i/c)