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Dairy Microbiology Department undertakes a prime role in molding the students to professionals and equips them to face the challenges of food industry environment with confidence.
1. To create facilities for advanced research in areas like starter cultures, ultra structure of dairy organisms, bio-preservation, xenobiotic residues, molecular biology and genetic engineering.
2. To create accredited laboratory facilities that could transform to a nodal certification authority for various industrial units in the state.
3. To be a ‘Centre of Excellence’ in the field of Dairy and Food Microbiology.
4. To offer Post graduate and Doctoral programmes in Dairy Microbiology, Food Microbiology and allied fields.
5. To develop/construct a ‘Starter Bank’ specifically targeting small scale dairy and food processing units.
1. To conduct research in areas pertinent to Dairy and Food Microbiology
2. To provide for the demand driven ‘Human Resource Development’ in Dairy Quality Assurance
3. To engage in technology transfer and dissemination of dairy microbiology related information through trainings and publications
Dairy Microbiology Lab
Facilities for the estimation of microbiological quality of milk and milk products are available in the laboratory. Different starter cultures for the production of cheese, yoghurt, curd etc. are maintained in pure form in the lab. Practical sessions as stipulated in the B.Tech curricula are performed at the lab by the students.
Mr. Rejeesh R, Assistant Professor & Head (i/c)