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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
Name of the Programme: Diploma in Feed Technology
Total duration: one year
Scope: Feed Industry
Pattern of course (Semester/annual): Semester
Mode of teaching (Regular/distant): Regular
Language of teaching: English
Colleges/ Institutions offering the programme with number of seats at each college
Name of the Institution | Number of seats |
Diploma in Feed Technology | 20 |
Eligibility for admission: Pass in Plus two /VHSE [Diploma in mechanical/ electrical/software engineering, ITI desirable]
Mode of selection and admission: As per university directions
Seat reservations: As per University rules
Syllabus (Provide as a separate document)/ Link to Syllabus in case of VCI & AICTE
Mode of evaluation: Internal ( Midterm, Final and practical examinations)
Attendance requirement: As per University rules
Name of Programme | Sem 1 | Sem 2 |
Diploma in Feed Technology | 35050 | 32100 |
Semester-wise distribution of credits
Semester No. | Course No | Title of Course | Credits |
Semester 1 | DFT 111 | Feedstuffs for Animals and its Quality | 1+1 |
DFT 112 | Feed mill layout, Design and Management | 2+2 | |
DFT 113 | Techniques in feed Sampling, Storage, Processing and Preservation | 2+2 | |
DFT 114 | Feed Quality and Techniques in feed analysis | 1+1 | |
DFT 115 | Feed additives, Supplements and Computer assisted ration formulation for different species | 2+2 | |
Semester 2 | DFT 121 | Feed mill engineering – Mechanical and Electrical | 2+2 |
DFT 122 | Laws and regulations in feed manufacturing industry | 1+0 | |
DFT 123 | Feed Manufacturing Process | 1+2 | |
DFT 124 | Mineral mixture Manufacturing | 2+1 | |
DFT 125 | Feed Packaging and Marketing | 2+1 | |
Summary | Grand Total | 16+14 =30 |
Syllabus in detail
Feed Technology
First Semester
DFT 111 Feed Stuffs for Animals and its Quality 1+1
Theory: Importance of nutrients in animal production and health. Terminologies in feed manufacturing techniques.Common feeds and fodders, their classification, availability and importance for livestock and poultry production.Importance of minerals (major and trace elements) and vitamins in health and production, their requirements and supplementation in feed. Feed ingredients and Feed quality. BIS standards of feed ingredients. Physical properties of feed ingredients important to the daily operations of feed plant.
Practical:Identification of feed ingredients, their physical properties and specifications, Familiarisation of cereals, pulses, legumes, millets, tree fodder, unconventional feed stuffs, feed mill by products and their selection.
DFT112 Feed mill Layout, Design and Management 2+2
Theory: Introduction to feed technology and feed mill equipments. Beginning of feed industry and related activities, development of feed industry in India, importance of feed technology in relation to animal productivity, layout and Design of feed mills, Problems of feed manufacturing units and control measures.Automated feed mill.Personal management in feed plants.Introduction to Pulverisers, Pelletisers and Complete Feed Block Equipments. Mills that are commonly used in feed industry - Hammer mills, Roller mills. Feed mixing and feed mixers.
Practical: Visit to feed mill. Plan, lay outs and design of different capacity of feed mills, Problems related to feasibility, Records keeping in different sections of feed mill, Experiential learning at the feed plant.Pulverisers, Pelletisers and Complete Feed Block Equipments.Mills that are commonly used in feed industry, Hammer mills, Roller mills. Feed mixing and feed mixers. Mixer designs.
DFT113 Techniques in Feed Sampling, Storage, Processing and Preservation 2+2
Theory:Sampling techniques - Scale of Sampling, Preparation of Samples, Sample quantity. Traditional and modern farm level storage structures. Role of moisture, temperature and relative humidity during storage of feedstuffs and their effect on biotic factors.Handling and storage of liquid feed ingredients. Physical and chemical changes in feeds during storage; storage losses; insect pests and rodents in feed stores and their control; Role of fungi, tolerance limits and measures to check them in stored products. The primary reasons for processing feeds.Introduction to feed Processing methods- grinding, mixing, pelleting and other major processing operations.Crumbling, flaking, popping, extrusion.Roughage processing methods, dry processing methods, wet processing methods. Principles of feed and fodder preservation techniques, their merits and demerits.Factors affecting the quality of feed and feedstuffs on preservation. Effect ofpreservation on nutritional value of feed
Practical: Preparation of samples for Analysis. Visit to feed mill, engaging in feed mill activities. Estimation of storage capacity and stack plan.Experiential learning at the feed plant in processing techniques-grinding, mixing, pelleting and other major processing operations.Crumbling, flaking, popping, extrusion.particle size reduction procedures..Consequences of consumption of mouldy feed in farm animals.Techniques to lower the risk of mycotoxicoses.Controlling the growth of moulds in stored feed. Modern approaches in compating grain pests.
DFT 114 Feed Quality and Techniques in feed analysis 1+1
Theory: Raw material and Finished feed Quality. Common adulterants in feeds and fodder.Proximate composition, Limitations of various systems of analysis, Partitioning of forage fibre by Van Soest method, Specifications of feed ingredients and finished feeds. Qualitative detection of undesirable constituents and common adulterants of feed.
Practical:General precautions while working in a nutritional laboratory. Common laboratory equipment. Laboratory evaluation of preserved and processed feed and forages.Physicalproperties of feeds and feedstuffs.Weende proximate analysis, Van Soest fibre fractionation.Qualitative detection of undesirable constituents and common adulterants of feed. Identification of insect-pests and fungi in stored products; techniques for detection of hidden infestation in grains
DFT 115 Feed additives, Supplements and Computer assisted ration formulation for different species 2+1
Theory: Introduction to feed additives. Types of feed additives. Advantages of use of feed additives. Negative aspects of feed additives.Mode of actions.Examples of commercial preparations.Benefits and adverse effects of growth promoting antibiotics.Additives for swine and poultry.Additives for ruminants.Other production improvers. Special purpose feed additives. Commonly used minerals and vitamin supplements.
Practical:Familiarization of feed additives and Supplements. Introduction to computer assisted feed formulation for different species, guidelines for feed formulation. Cost factors in feed formulation.
Second semester
DFT 121 Feed mill Engineering – Mechanical and Electrical 2+2
Theory: General introduction to Feed mill Engineering, hammer mill, roller mill, vertical batch mixer, horizontal batch mixer, double paddle horizontal mixers, ribbon blenders, conveying systems, bucket elevators, magnetic seperators, pellet mill , packaging.
Practical: Familiarization of feed mill machineries and operations. Structure and mode of operation of equipments.Handling of plant equipments.
DFT 122 Laws and regulations in feed manufacturing industry 1+1
Theory: Laws and regulations governing feed sales. Codex alimentarius, HACCP.Organisation and acts.Objectives of the animal feeds sectional committee. Principles of ware housing.Labour standard. National and international agencies associated with quality control. Pesticide and insecticide residues in feeds
Practicals: Organizational charts for small, medium and large feed plants. Identification of records of different sections of feed mill.
DFT 123 Feed Manufacturing Process 1+2
Theory:Introduction to the principles of material handling. Processing of feeds and forages.Effect of processing on nutritional values, effect of processing on density.Particle size reduction procedures- cutting, crushing, shearing, impact grinding. Expressing the particle size of ground feeds, modulus of uniformity, modulus of fineness.Principles of mixing and compounding feeds.Grinding of feed ingredients.Advantages of grinding.Mixing of ground ingredients.Factors that affecting mixing.Liquid addition.Microingredient premixing.
Practicals: Visit to feed mill, engaging in feed mill activities.Procurement, planning and purchase procedures; Ingredient storage and related structures. Feed manufacturing processes and activities. Cost of processing and packaging of feed per MT. Feed plant sanitation.
DFT 124 Mineral Mixture Manufacturing 2+1
Theory: Minerals versus elements, Major elements and trace elements. General functions of mineral elements. Sources of minerals – procurement and storage.Mineral toxicity and antagonism.Equipments involved in prepeation of mineral mixture- Mixers/Blenders.
Practicals:General principles of mineral estimation, Sampling and processing techniques,
Estimation of macro- and micro-minerals.Determination of bioavailability of minerals.Formulation of mineral mixture for various species.Identification of adulterants and quality control.
DFT 125 Packaging and Marketing 2+1
Theory: Introduction –importance of packaging, History of package development. Packaging materials-characteristics of basic packaging materials (paper board. Corrugated paper and fiber board) Glass, Metal, Plastics, foils and laminates, retort pouches, earthen pots, wood and leafs. Package forms, Legal requirements of packaging materials and product information. Packaging of feed for different classes of livestock.Modern packaging Techniques. Coding and labelling of packages.Principle and methods of package.Disposal of waste packaging materials, Packaging systems.Smart packages, recent advances in packaging technology.Concept of market; meaning and classification of markets, Market price and normal price, price determination under perfect competition in short and long run, Merchandising- product planning and development. Marketing functions; exchange functions- buying, selling and demandcreation. Physical functions - grading, transportation, storage and warehousing. Facilitative functions - standardization, risk bearing, market information and market intelligence. Market opportunities- marketing channel of livestock feed, organized/unorganized markets, import and export of livestock feeds. International Agreements/Regulations (WTO and General Agreement on Trade and Tariff- GATT) for marketing/trade of live animals and products.
Identification of packaging materials.Testing of papers/paperboards-percentage moisture, Grease resistance, Water absorptiveness, Tearing resistance and Bursting strength . Testing of plastics and laminates-Thickness, Water vapour transmission rate (WVTR), Oxygen transmission rate (OTR), Grease resistance. Packaging of feed for different classes of livestock.Dynamics of cattle feed market in Kerala. Current demand pattern, general market trend and growth prospects of feed market. Current market structure.Effective marketing strategies.Purchasing pattern and buyer behavior with respect to feed products.