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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
Name of the Programme: Diploma in Laboratory Techniques
Total duration: 2 Semesters
Scope: The course comprises of elaborate theory classes, hands on practical and demonstration classes on collection, preservation and dispatch of clinical samples, handling of microscopes and other equipments, preparation of glassware/media, assistance to post-mortem examination, detection of pathogens, analysis of blood and urine, examination procedures of clinical samples, preparation of reagents and solutions. Moreover the students are trained on proper handling and care of advanced disease diagnostic equipments.
Pattern of course (Semester/annual): Semester
Mode of teaching (Regular/distant): Regular
Language of teaching: English
Colleges/ Institutions offering the programme with number of seats at each college
Name of the Institution | Number of seats |
CVAS, Mannuthy | 30 |
Eligibility for admission:Pass in Plus Two or VHSE with Biology as one subject
Mode of selection and admission: Entrance examination conducted by the university
Seat reservations: As per Government of Kerala and KVASU norms
Syllabus (Provide as a separate document)/ Link to Syllabus in case of VCI & AICTE Provided separately
Mode of evaluation: Internal assessment separately for theory and practical for 100 marks each. A separate minimum of 60 % marks is required for a pass for theory and practical in each course. A comprehensive viva-voce examination will be conducted at the end of the course which will be graded as satisfactory (S) or unsatisfactory (U).
Attendance requirement: 80 per cent
Name of Programme | Sem 1 | Sem 2 |
Diploma in Laboratory Techniques | Tution Fee- 20,000/- Special fee- 5050/- Total-25050/- |
Tution Fee 20,000/- Special fee- 2100/- Total-22100/- |
Diploma in Laboratory Techniques
Veterinary Parasitology
PAR 011 Basic Techniques in Parasitology 1+2
Theory: Introduction to Clinical Parasitology laboratory- Microscopy – Handling of equipments routinely used in lab like centrifuges, weighing balances, glass and plastic ware etc. Basic concepts of molality, molarity and preparation of stains, solutions and mounting media-safe and scientific handling of clinical samples –basic safety measures to be adopted in a laboratory-Collection and preservation of clinical materials as well as parasite specimens obtained , antemortem and post mortem-acquaintance with specimen maintenance- Serology
Practical: Preparation of stains like Hematoxylin stains, Acetic acid carmine, ZN carbol fuchsin, fixatives like 10% formalin, Boiun’s fluid, Carnoy’s fluid, Schaudinn’s fixative etc and mounting media like lactophenol, glycerol etc –Techniques of collection of clinical materials including faeces, blood, lymph and urine -care and maintanence of lab equipments, glass ware and plastic ware- setting up of accessories for clinical sample examination- scientific disposal of clinical samples –basic immuno parasitological techniques- Lab animal inoculation
PAR 012 Diagnostic Helminthology 1+1
Theory: Basic concepts in Veterinary and Medical helminthology-Diagnostic morphological features of nematodes, trematodes and cestodes-life cycle stages with special emphasis to demonstrable stages of parasitic helminths-qualitative and quantitative coprological examination techniques- copro culture techniques and copro antigens-Micrometry as an aid to diagnosis- Detection of Anthelmintic resistance.
Practical: Processing of samples, identification of ova of helminths in faeces, urine, nasal discharges etc.- Methods for identification helminth larvae from blood samples by Knott’s technique and histochemical staining .Micrometry and camera lucida drawings. Dissection of intermediate hosts for demonstration of larval stages. Preparation of temporary and permanent mount of helminths. Fecal egg count reduction test and Egg hatch assay.
PAR 021 Diagnostic Entomology and Acarology 1+1
Theory: Introduction to entomology and acarology- role of vectors in disease transmission-collection, processing, identification and preparation of permanent mounts of flies, fleas, lice, bugs, ticks and mites- Xenodiagnosis - examination of skin scrapings- dissection of arthropods for detection of larval parasites.
Practical: Collection of flies, fleas, lice, bugs, ticks and mites from live and dead subjects- collection of developmental stages from environment- identification of adults and developing stages-dissection of vectors for identification of larval parasites-processing and preservation of specimens in dry and wet mounts.
PAR 022 Diagnostic Protozoology 1+2
Theory: Introduction to Veterinary and Medical protozoology-Diagnostic morphological features of different classes of haemoprotozoa and tissue protozoa -Identification of diagnostic stages from secretions and excretions using conventional methods-recent trends in protozoan disease diagnosis from faecal smears- basic serological tests
Practical: Processing of clinical samples for diagnosis of tissue protozoa. Temporary and permanent staining techniques of tissue protozoa including iodine staining, Heidenhan’s Iron Haematoxylin staining- animal inoculation techniques- preparation of blood smear, buffy coat smear , lymph node smear – Quantitative buffy coat system –wet film examination- morphological diagnosis of different haemoprotozoa- basic serological and molecular techniques.
Veterinary Pathology
PAT 011 Hematology 1+2
Theory: General introduction to hematology, Preparation of site and Collection of blood
from different species, anticoagulants, separation of serum, TEC, TLC, DLC, ESR, PCV, Hb, Erythrocyte indices, Reticulocytes, Platelet count, Bleeding time and Clotting time DLC – Staining – Common stains for hematology
Practical: Manual, Semi & fully automatic analysis- Collection and preservation of blood, preparation of blood smear, TEC, TLC, DLC, ESR, PCV, Hb, Reticulocyte count, Calculation of erythrocyte indices, clotting time estimation.
PAT 012 Clinical chemistry and Urology 1+1
Theory: Collection, Preservation & despatch of clinical materials like urine, milk and
semen. Physical, Chemical and Microscopical examination of urine, milk and semen. Serum biochemistry-serum enzymes and electrolytes, blood sugar, serum proteins
Practicals: Urinalysis- RE, microscopical examination of sediments, Milk –various tests for mastitis cell counts, chloride tests, white side test, CMT, milk culture and sensitivity. Preparation of semen smears, physical examination, staining and ME. Evaluation of serum enzymes like AST, ALT, ALP, Serum bilirubin, serum protein, sugar, Sodium, Potassium, Copper, Calcium, Urea etc.-Function tests of liver and kidney.
PAT 021 Techniques in histopathology & cytopathology 1+1
Theory: Techniques of Post mortem, Collection, Preservation of materials, fixatives, documentation, Biopsy& Cytology Tissue Processing – Microtomy & staining
Practicals: Techniques in histopathology-Processing of tissues, section cutting, Staining, Preparation of specimens for cytology
PAT 022 Stains & Staining technology 1+2
Theory: General Principles of staining, Factors influencing staining –Simple stains,
compound stains , Special stain, Classification of stain, Preparation of stains and slides, Staining procedures. Mounting, Labelling and Storage of slides, Inventory management of chemicals, Museum technology / preparation.
Practicals: Preparation of various stains - staining procedures, mounting, labelling
Veterinary Public Health
VPH 011 Basic techniques in Microbiology 1+2
Theory : Good laboratory practices, Sterilisation- Definition –methods, Microscopy- types of microscope- handling of microscope, staining – type of stains- staining techniques, Definition of culture media- ingredients of culture media- different types of media- preparation of media- sterility check and storage, introduction to lab animals- handling, care and management of lab animals.
Practical – methods of sterilization, handling of microscope, preparation of stains, different staining techniques- Gram’s staining, acid fast staining, Leishman’s staining, Wright’s staining, Lactophenol cotton blue staining etc., preparation and use of culture media- inoculation of culture and incubation, preparation of bacterial smears on slides, antibiotic sensitivity tests.
VPH 012 Clinical Microbiology 1+1
Theory – Definition, defense mechanisms of body, infections caused by bacteria, virus and fungus – nosocomial and iatrogenic infections, zoonotic diseases, clinical samples to be collected in each disease – collection of different type of samples, preservation and transport of clinical specimens- processing of clinical specimens.
Practical – collection of clinical samples like blood, faeces, sputum, nasal swab, vaginal swab, serum separation and storage, blood collection from different species of animals including lab animals preparation of reagents for the storage of specimens, processing of clinical samples
VPH 021 Disease diagnostic Methods 1+2
Theory: Basic principles of disease diagnosis, diagnosis of bacterial infections, viral and fungal infections, isolation of the agent, identification of the agent using different culture media, staining techniques, and biochemical characterization, introduction to egg inoculation and cell culture like agglutination, precipitation, ELISA, AGID, FAT, CFT, etc., lateral flow techniques, introduction to recent advances in molecular methods like PCR, different types of PCR, ribotyping etc., animal inoculation.
Practical: Isolation of bacteria from clinical samples, identification by colony morphology, staining, biochemical tests, isolation and identification of fungus, demonstration of serological and molecular techniques, methods of animal inoculation.
VPH 022 Quality control techniques 1+1
Theory: Definition, quality control, quality assurance, quality management, microbiological guidelines, specifications and standards, National agencies associated with quality control- BIS, PFA, MMPO, MFPO, AGMARK, International agencies associated with quality control, - codex alimentarius, FAO, WHO- quality control systems in food industry- HACCP, BPS, TQM, ISO series salient features, quality control tests used in food industry.
Practical: Collection and processing of the sample for quality control tests, analysis of water- physical, chemical and microbiological, milk- rapid platform tests- direct and indirect quality control tests, analysis of meat- physical, chemical and microbiological, air – sampling and analysis.