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Dr. Ambily V.R.
Designation: - Assistant professor Address: - Assistant Professor, Dept. of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics & Jurisprudence, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Kerala Veterinary And Animal Sciences University, Lakkidi, P.O., Wayanad District-673576 Kerala, India Mobile No: - 9400447332 Email ID: - |
B.V.Sc. & A.H, MV.Sc. (Clinical Medicine), PGDEP, PhD.
Canine filariasis, Small animal dermatology, Canine nephrology, Metabolic diseases in dairy cattle
Working as Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence, CVAS, Mannuthy & Pookode, KVASU from 13-09-2013 to date.
Winner of the Young Scientist Award (ISVM) for Outstanding Research in Veterinary Medicine -2010
Best Research Article Award in the year 2020
Best Poster Award in the year 2021
Winner of the CKSV Raja gold medal for the best doctoral thesis approved in the year 2022
Research publications
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Kanaran.P.P., Tresamol.P.V., & Jayakumar.K.M. (2007). Brugia pahangi associated haemolytic jaundice in a basset hound. J. Vet. Anim. Scien., 40(1), 58-59.
Ambily.V.R., Elso John, Kanaran.P.P., Usha.N.Pillai, John Martin.K.D., Tresamol.P.V., & Jayakumar.K.M. (2008). Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia – A case report. Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 32(2), 282-283.
Usha.N.Pillai, Ambily.V.R., Kanaran.P.P., Premni Elias, & Jayakumar.K.M. (2009). Ultrasonographic diagnosis of intussusception in a pup. Intas Polivet, 10(1), 91.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Pramod.S., Kanaran.P.P., & Jayakumar.K.M. (2010). Subungual Squamous cell Carcinoma in a dog –A case report. Indian J. Vet.Pathol., 34(2), 191-192.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Kanaran.P.P., Jayakumar.K.M, & Alex.P.C. (2010). Canine Filariosis. J. Indian Vet. Assoc., 7(2), 77-79.
Usha.N.Pillai, Tresamol.P.V., Elso John, Ambily.V.R., Syam.K.V., & John Martin.K.D. (2010). Lymphocytic Plasmacytic-gastritis in a dog. Indian J.Vet.Med., 30(2), 149-150.
Usha.N.Pillai, Elso John, Dhanya.V.P., Ambily.V.R., & Gopinathan.V.P. (2010). Immuno-histochemical diagnosis of primary Leiomyosarcoma of the right ventricle in a dog. Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 34(2), 196-197.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai., Arun, R., Pramod.S., & Jayakumar.K.M. (2011). Detection of human filarial parasite Brugia malayi in dogs by histochemical staining and molecular techniques. Vet. Parasitol., 181(2), 210-214.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Pramod.S., Kanaran.P.P., & Jayakumar.K.M. (2011). Clinico-biochemical and histopathological aspects of microfilariosis associated nephropathy in dogs. Indian J. Vet. Pathol., 35(1), 18-20.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, & Kanaran.P.P. (2011). Lymphatic filariosis in dogs. Indian Vet.J., 88(8), 67-69.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, & Tresamol.P.V. (2011). Detection of Dipetalonema reconditum microfilariae in dogs of Kerala by histochemical staining. Indian Vet.J., 88(9), 153-154.
Pramod, S., Nair, N. D., Litty, M., Ambily V. R., Vijayan, N., & Lalithakunjamma, C. R. (2011). Pathological observations on experimental pasteurellosis in Kuttanad ducks. Indian Journal of Veterinary Pathology, 35(2), 189-192.
Pramod, S., Nair, N. D., Ambily V. R., Hiron, M., Vijayan, N. and Krishnan Nair, G. (2012). Pathology of lymphoid organs in experimental duck cholera. Indian Veterinary Journal, 89(1), 20-22.
Pillai, U. N., Tresamol, P. V., Ambily V. R., Kanaran, P. P., Elso John. (2012). Clinical diagnosis of feline infectious peritonitis. Indian Veterinary Journal, 88(10), 124-126.
Pillai, U. N., Kanaran, P. P., Ambily V. R., Elso John, & Jayakumar, K. M. (2012). Nephrotic syndrome in a dog – A case report. Indian Journal of Canine Practice, 4(2), 93.
Kanaran, P. P., Usha N. Pillai, Ambily V. R., & Alex, P. C. (2013). Myoglobinuric acute renal failure in a dog – A case report. Journal of Veterinary Animal Science, 44, 83-84.
Ambily V. R., Janus, A., and Usha Narayana Pillai (2014). Feline kaliopenic polymyopathy – a review of three cases. Pet Practice Journal, 1(2).
Pillai, U. N., Ambily V. R. and Elso John (2014). A Case of Lymphoma in a heifer. Indian Veterinary Journal, 91(07), 70-71.
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Kanaran.P.P, Mercey.K.A, & Sunanda.C. (2014). Qualitative and Quantitative Urinalysis utilizing Urinary enzymes as Urinary markers for early detection of renal dysfunction in canine filariosis. J. Vet. Sci. Med. Diagn., 3(2).
Ambily V. R., Pillai, U. N., Kanaran, P. P., and Pramod, S. (2014). Histochemical differentiation of microfilariae of Brugia, Dirofilaria, and Dipetalonema sp. from canine blood using a commercial kit, acid phosphatase leucocyte. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, 11(1).
Ambily.V.R., Usha.N.Pillai, Kanaran.P.P. (2014). Immunological Diagnosis of Lymphatic Filariasis in dogs of Kerala, India using Filarial antibody Detection Immunospot Test. J. Immunol. Tech. Infect. Dis., 3(2).
Ambily V. R., Pillai, U. N., & Kanaran, P. P. (2014). Hyperplastic prostatitis in a Jack Russell Terrier – A Case Report. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association, 11(2).
Ambily.V.R. and Usha.N.Pillai. (2014). Microfilariosis in dogs – An emerging cause for renal failure. Intl. J. Scien.Res., 3(6), 1554-1556.
Ambily V. R., Pillai, U. N., & Kanaran, P. P. (2015). Therapeutic management of Dirofilariosis with a breast lump in a bitch. Intas Polivet, 20(1).
Madhavan Unny, N., Sulficar, Anoop, Laiju.P., Ambily.V.R., Janus, A., and Ajith Kumar, S. (2017). Upper respiratory tract infection and guttural pouch tympany in a horse – A Report. The North. East. Vet. J., 2017.
Ambily.V.R. and Usha.N.Pillai (2017). Dermatophilosis in a Holstein Fresian and its successful medical management. J. Vet. Sci. Med. Diagn.
Ambily.V.R., Amrutha Aravind, and Usha.N.Pillai (2017). Heat stroke in a crossbred dairy cattle. J. Indian Vet. Assoc., 15(1).
Ambily.V.R., Deepa Chirayath, and Usha.N.Pillai (2018). Diagnosis and medical management of paralytic ileus in a Labrador dog. Indian J. Sci. Research., 19(2).
Chaithra, G.S., Deepa, C., Usha, N.P., Ambily, V.R., and Krithiga, K. (2019). Haematobiochemical changes associated with cutaneous vasculitis in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 50(2).
Sharun, K., Anjana, S., Dhivahar, M., Ambily, V.R., and Usha, N.P. (2019). Diagnosis and treatment of canine leptospirosis due to serovar Betaviae – a case report. Comp. Clin. Pathol., 19.
Susmi, T.P., Surya, S., Binu, K.M., Ambily, V.R., Thanksy, S.A., Anu, B., and Mini, M. (2019). Characterisation of extended spectrum B-lactamase among Escherichia coli and Klebsiella Pneumoniae associated with skin and urinary tract infections in dogs. In. J. Anim. Sci., 89(7).
Dhanasree, G., Pillai, U.N., and Ambily, V.R. (2019). Management of Osteodystrophia Fibrosa in Stall Confined Caprine kids. Intas Polivet, 20(1).
Dhanasree, G., Usha, N.P., Deepa, C., Ambily, V.R., Shynu, M., and Safeer, M.S. (2019). Correlation between anaplasmosis, anaemia and oxidative stress indices in goats of Thrissur, Kerala. J. Entomol. Zool. Stud., 7(4).
Dhanasree, G., Pillai, U.N., Deepa, C., Ambily, V.R., Shynu, M., and Sunanda, C. (2020). Evaluation of oxidative stress in caprine anaplasmosis and effect of vitamin E–selenium in monitoring oxidative stress. Tropical animal health and production, 52.
Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., and Arun, R. (2020). Molecular characterization of zoonotic Dirofilaria repens microfilariae in dogs of Kerala. Indian J. Vet. Med., 40(2).
Ambily, V.R., and Usha, N.P. (2021). Zoo toxins affecting animals – A Review. JIVA, 19.
Kamulu, S.K., Ambily, V.R., and Usha, N.P. (2021). Therapeutic efficacy of topical selamectin in feline otoacariosis. J. Ent. and Zoo. Stud., 9(4).
Lakshmi, M., Anjaly, F., Ambily, V.R., and Usha, N.P. (2021). Therapeutic management of demodicosis in golden hamsters: A review of 5 cases. J. Ent. and Zoo. Stud., 9(4).
Thresia, Surya, S., Siju, J., Ambily, V.R., Anu, B., Vidya, V.K., Mini, M. (2021). Phenotypic characterization of Klebsiella pneumoniae Carbapenemase and metallo Beta – lactamase in Carbapenam Resistant Gram-Negative bacteria. In. J. Anim. Resear., 5.
Kamalu, S.K., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., Arun, G., and Dhanush, K.B. (2022). Clinico-haematological and biochemical studies on canine demodicosis. The Pharma Innov. J., 11(9).
Remya, K., Ajith, Y., Parvathy, J., Panicker, V.P., Preena, P., Ambily, V.R., Ancy, T., Anjaly, F., Unny, N.M., and Pillai, U.N. (2022). Acute insulin-responsive hyperglycemia and hypocalcemia in Theileria spp. infected goat. Veterinary Parasitol.Regi. Stud. and Report., 27.
Parvathy, J., Arun, G., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., Dhanush, K.B., and Gleeja, V.L. (2022). Comparative evaluation of darbepoetin therapy in non-regenerative anaemia associated with Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 53(4).
Aleena, T., Sudheesh, S.N., Reji, V., Anoop, S., Soumya, R., Ambily, V.R., and Martin, J.K.D. (2022). B-mode and Doppler ultrasound features of mammary neoplasms and their comparison with normal mammary glands in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 53(4).
Anjaly, F., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., Deepa, C., Madhavan Unni, N., and Shynu, M. (2022). Subclinical ketosis: Prevalence and risk factor analysis in early lactation dairy cattle of Thrissur district. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 53(4).
Athulya, G., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., Sindhu, K.R., and Sudheesh, S.N. (2022). Haemato-biochemical and trichographic studies on mucocutaneous lesions in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 54(1).
Parvathy, J., Arun, G., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P., Dhanush, K.B., and Gleeja, V.L. (2022). Comparative evaluation of darbepoetin therapy in non-regenerative anaemia associated with Babesia gibsoni infection in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 53(4).
Aleena, T., Sudheesh, S.N., Reji, V., Anoop, S., Soumya, R., Ambily, V.R., and Martin, J.K.D. (2022). B-mode and Doppler ultrasound features of mammary neoplasms and their comparison with normal mammary glands in dogs. J. Vet. Anim. Sci., 53(4).
Anjaly, F., Ambily, V.R., Usha, N.P. (2022). Common herbicide and acaricide toxicities in animals. Indian J. Agri. Resea., 2(2).
Booklet published on “Sankarayinam Kannukalikalilae Vilarcha rogam”- 2018 as part of the external aided project Clinical Investigations on anaemia in cross bred dairy cattle of Kerala, funded by AHD, Kerala
Popular publications
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