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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
Inauguration of Skill Development Workshop and Online Lecture Series - 01.03.2021
For B.Sc. (PPBM) Students
The Skill Development Workshops and online Lecture Series for B.Sc PPBM students of College of Avian Sciences and Management, Thiruvazhamkunnu was inaugurated by Prof. Dr. M. R. Saseendranath, Hon’ble Vice Chancellor, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University on 01/03/2021. College Dean, Prof. Dr. G. Girish Varma welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. N. Ashok, DAR, KVASU and Nodal officer, Innovation Grant Project presided over the programme. Prof. Dr. P. Sudheer Babu, Registrar, KVASU delivered the key note address.
Hon’ble. Vice Chancellor, KVASU Prof. Dr. M. R. Saseendranath also released the first college magazine “Ezhuthani” by handing over to the Registrar, Prof. Dr. P.Sudheer Babu.Prof. Dr. C. Latha, Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy, Kerala, Prof. Dr. P. Anitha, Director, Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Sciences, Mannuthy and Dr. Suraj P. T., Associate Professor & Head, LRS, Thiruvazhamkunnu delivered the felicitations. Staff editor, Dr. Vimal Antony and Student editor, Miss. Binju Sundaran also attended the programme. Dr. Stella Cyriac, Assistant Professor, CASM, Thiruvazhamkunnu proposed the vote of thanks. The two day session is being handled by Mr. Muhammed Ikan, HRD expert and the online lecture series scheduled during March 2021 will include talks by experts in the sector as well as by the employers which will help to improve the employability of the students and will create an awareness about their higher education opportunities.
ICAR - NAHEP - Innovation Grand Sanctioned to CASM - 25.05.2020
KVASU-CASM, Thiruvazhamkunnu- ICAR-NAHE,P-lnnovation Grant - Equity Action Plan (EAP) and Environmental Sustainability Plan (ESP)
National Higher Education Project (NAHEP)
NAHEP has been formulated by ICAR with a total cost of US$ 165 million (Rupees 1100 crores at the exchange rate of Rs. 66.75 = 1US$) for five years starting from 2017-18. The project is proposed on 50:50 cost sharing basis between the World Bank and the Government of India, implemented at the Education Division, ICAR, New Delhi. Overall, the project aims to develop resources and mechanism for supporting infrastructure, faculty and student advancement, and providing means for better governance and management of agricultural universities, so that a holistic model can be developed to raise the standard of current agricultural education system that provides more jobs and is entrepreneurship oriented and on par with the global agriculture education standards.
The mandate of ICAR/DARE includes promotion and coordination of education in agriculture, agro-forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, home science and allied sciences in the country. ICAR is now embarking upon an ambitious step in further strengthening the National Agricultural Education system in the country through National Agricultural Higher Education Project (NAHEP) with financial assistance of the World Bank by investing on infrastructure, competency and commitment of faculty, and attracting talented students to agriculture.
College of Avian Sciences and Management, Thiruvazhamkunnu received ICAR NAHEP- Innovation grant
College of Avian Sciences and Management, Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University has received innovation grand of One crore rupees for the strengthening of academic infrastructure of College of Avian Sciences and Management. Innovation grant will be utilized for the development of modern classrooms, laboratory facilities, student and faculty development activities.
PI of the project: Prof. G. Girish Varma, Faculty Dean, Poultry Science
Nodal officers:
Important orders
1. Sanction order by NAHEP (click here to open PDF)
2. AS & TS by KVASU (click here to open PDF)
Events conducted:
Inauguration: Inauguration of NAHEP Innovation grand conducted on 28-07-2020
International Webinar: International webinar on "Role of Poultry Sector in boosting the Post-COVID Indian Economy" on 28th, 29th and 30th of July 2020.
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