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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
ASC 801
Name of the Programme: M. Sc. in Animal Science
Total duration: 2 years
Scope:Research, Develop an understanding on Applied Animal Management
Pattern of course (Semester/annual): 4 Semesters
Mode of teaching (Regular/distant): Regular
Language of teaching: English
Eligibility for admission: Bachelor’s Degree in Life Science, B.V.Sc. and B.Sc. Poultry Science
Mode of selection and admission: Entrance Examination conducted by Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences Unoiversity
Seat reservations: As per Government rules
Syllabus (Provide as a separate document)/ Link to Syllabus in case of VCI& AICTE
Mode of evaluation: Internal
Attendance requirement: 80 %
Name of Programme | Sem 1 | Sem 2 | Sem 3 | Sem 4 |
M.Sc. Animal Science | 70000 | 70000 | 70000 | 70000 |
Course outlines for MS in Animal Science
ASC 801 | Status and scope of Livestock Production | 2+1 | M |
ASC 802 | Monogastric Animal Science | 1+1 | M |
ASC 803 | Ruminant Production and Management | 1+1 | M |
ASC 804 | Essentials of Poultry Science | 1+1 | M |
ASC 805 | Genetics and Animal Breeding | 2+1 | S |
ASC 806 | Nutrition and Feed Technology | 1+1 | S |
Total | (8+6) 14 |
Note= M= Major course, S= Supporting or minor course
Semester II
ASC 807 | Current issues in Dairy Sciences | 1+0 | M |
ASC 808 | Meat Sciences and Meat Products Technology | 2+1 | S |
ASC 809 | Behavior of Farm and Companion Animals | 1+0 | M |
ASC 810 | Research Philosophy and Statistical method for Life Sciences | 2+1 | S |
ASC 811 | Project Management | 1+1 | M |
ASC 812 | Fodder Production and Storage Technology | 1+1 | M |
ASC 813 | Human Resource Management | 1+1 | S |
Total | (9+5)=14 |
Note= M= Major course, S= Supporting or minor course
Semester III
ASC 814 | Innovation and Knowledge Transfer | 1+1 | S |
ASC 815 | Stress Physiology and Animal Welfare | 1+1 | M |
ASC 816 | Climate change impact and adaptation for Livestock | 2+1 | M |
ASC 817 | Food Biotechnology | 2+0 | S |
ASC 818 | Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security | 1+0 | M |
ASC 819 | Livestock Business Management | 1+1 | M |
Total | (8T+4P)=12 |
Note= M= Major course, S= Supporting or minor course
Semester IV
Course code | COURSE TITLE | CREDITS |
ASC 820 | Masters Research (Dissertation) | 10 |
ASC 821 | Choice based campus training | 10 |
Total | (0T+20P)=20 |
Note= M= Major course, S= Supporting or minor course
Abstract of courses
Total credits for Major course | 23 |
Total credits for Minor course | 17 |
Total credits for Masters Research | 10 |
Total credits for choice based training | 10 |
Course contents
ASC 801
Credits: 2+1
Status and scope of Livestock Sector
Objective: To give an overview of the status and scope of livestock sector, and to familiarize the student to the world of Animal Science.
Unit1.Ter and definitions in Livestock Production Management. Overview of livestock sector in different parts of the world. Demography of livestock in the global scenario, contribution oflivestock sector to the global and national economies.
Unit 2. Production trends of different animal products. National and international livestock developments agencies and research & development institutes.
Unit3.Treaties and conventions on livestock farming and animal welfare. Future challenges and emerging technologies in livestock sector. Gender concerns in livestock.
ASC 802
Credits 1+1
Monogastric Animal Science
Objective: To equip the student to understand the latest trends in monogastric production and reproduction of monogastric animal species. Identify the potential for the integration of monogastric animal farming with agriculture
Unit 1. Overview of monogastric animals,Distribution and values of monogastric animals, economic trait of monogastric animal production
Unit 2.Selection and breeding of monogastric farm animals. Optimization of breeding
Unit 3.Practical feeding and management of monogastric animals, optimization of feed resources.
Unit 4. Integration of monogastric animal farming with commercial agriculture and aqua culture.
ASC 803
Credits 1+1
Ruminant Production and Management
Objective: SWOT analysis of dairying in developed and developing countries
Unit 1. Overview of small and large ruminant farming Animal enterprises in the world. Distribution of ruminant farm economic traits of ruminant production
Unit 2. Selection and breeding of ruminant farm animals, optimization of reproduction output
Unit 3. Practical feeding and management of ruminant animals and optimization of feed resources
ASC 804
Credits: 1+1
Poultry Science
To generate awareness on commercial poultry enterprise
Unit 1.Overview of poultry enterprise
Unit 2.Selection and breeding of poultry, Feeding housing and management of layers
Unit 3. Selection and breeding of broilers, Feeding housing and management of broilers
Unit 4.Hatchery management
Unit 5. Common diseases of poultry and its prevention
Unit 6.Marketing of poultry products in different seasons. Pricing poultry products for maximum returns
ASC 805
Credits 2+1
Genetics and Animal Breeding
Objective: To improve methodology of selection and breeding systems for genetic improvement of livestock and poultry.
Unit 1. Basics of Mendalian Genetics
Unit 2. Principles of population Genetics
Unit 3. Genetic parameters, Heritability, repeatability and Genetic correlation
Unit 4. Principles and methods of selection
Unit 5. Mating systems
ASC 806
Credit 1+1
Nutrition and Feed Technology
Objective: To give awareness on basic nutritional principles and advancements in feed formulation and manufacture.
Unit 1. Common feed resources and its availability and cost. Nutritive value of different feeds
Unit 2. Feeding standards computation of ration. Formulation of feed
Unit 3. Laws and regulations of feed manufacturing industry and quality control.
Layout, design and operational management of feed mill
Unit 4. Advanced feed dispensing methods and equipments
Semester II
ASC 807
Credits 1+0
Current issues in Dairy Science
Objective: principles and practices of dairy systems management
Identifying the constraints in dairy sector of world and suggesting solutions.
Unit 1. Development of Dairy Industry in India and world
Unit 2. Demographic issue in dairying,
Unit 3. Constraints in upgradation of genetic potential
Unit 4. Milking management, Machine milking and hand milking
Unit 5. Processing and milk marketing constraints.
Unit6. Different laws governing the livestock sectors to produce quality
products on par with international standards
Unit 7. Health management , Epidemiological issues and its impact on production
Survey and random sampling of population
Computation of heritability, repeatability, genetic, environmental and phenotypic correlations and their standard errors.
Project preparation for dairy processing
Case study of marketing by different cooperative societies and corporate
Compilation of laws for different enterprises
Preparation of epidemiological chart of important diseases affecting dairy.
ASC 808
Meat Science and Meat Products Technology
Credits 2+1
Objective: To impart knowledge about current status of meat industry, to educate on factors influencing quality of meat and nutritive value. Meat Production and Processing. Clean and ethical meat production
Unit1: Current trends of meat industry and its prospects.
Unit 2: Factors affecting meat quality.
Unit 2. Scientific slaughter and processing techniques,
Unit 3. Preservation and packaging.
Unit 4. Preparation of various meat products
Unit 5. Quality assurance of meat products
Unit 6. Marketing of meat. Meat retailing units. International standards for meat products.
ASC 809
Credits 1+0.
Behavior of Farm and Companion Animals
Objective: To acquaint students on farm animal behavior and its application for production.
Unit 1. Physiological basis of different patterns of behavior, Behavioral adaptation under
Unit 2. Analysis of behavior in relation to climatic environment
Unit 3. Practical application different types of behavior. Behavioral modification, and
management. Behavioral interventions for improved productivity.
ASC 810
Credits 2+1
Research Philosophy and Statistical Methods in Life Sciences
Objective: To introduce the student to research in the realm of animal science.
Unit 1. Philosophy of research. Ethics of salient features of scientific approach in research.
Unit 2. Data generation in biological research. Sampling and designing of experiments. Statistical models for analysis of biological data interpretation.
Unit 3.Presentation of data after statistical analysis. Writing scientific articles.
ASC 811
Credits 1+1
Project Management
Objectives: To analyze the critical aspects of animal industry from a problem or research related problem.
Unit 1. Need analysis of the project, constraints of project, Analysis of resources, Fixing assumptions. Cost benefit analysis.
Unit 2. Scale and investment criteria. Harnessing the funding resources. Delegation and team work.
Unit 3. Preparation of detailed project report and time frame. Target achievement monitoring periodic appraisal tactics
Unit 4. Monitoring and evaluation of projects. Follow up strategy
ASC 812
Credits 1+1
Fodder Production and Storage Technology
Objective: To acquaint with different varieties of fodder available in different agro ecological zones and storage technologies available.
Unit 1. Importance of grasslands and fodder in livestock production
Unit 2. Fodder practice of the world. Agronomical practices for fodder production.
Unit 3. Soil and water conservation ,irrigation and drainage for fodder production.
Unit 4. Farm power and agro energy. Farm machinery and equipments. Recycling animal washing for fodder
Unit 5. Harvesting and post harvesting technique for fodder preservation. Storage of fodder.
ASC 813
Credits 1+1
Human Resource Management
Objective: Understand the strategic and operational scales of human resource management in livestock business.
Unit 1. Function of human resource management.Training need analysis, role of human resource in competitive success.
Unit 2. Structure of high performance work assignments. Employment security and downsizing Information sharing.
Unit 3. Principle of organizing and designing of jobs. Compensation, pros and cons of individual incentives.
ASC 814
Credits 1+1
Innovation and Knowledge Transfer
Objective: Understanding the ways of learning and barriers of adoption technologies by farmers. Leadership in livestock business.
Unit1. Problem based learning and group discussion
Unit 2. Roles of new media in research and extension technology in knowledge transfer.
Unit 3. On farm training for extension education. Farm models and farmers schools. Unit Unit 4. Capacity building for women entrepreneurs
ASC 815
Credits 1+1
Stress Physiology and Animal Welfare
Objective. To develop skills and techniques in monitoring stress responses in farm animals and be able assess the welfare of different categories of animals and birds.
Unit 1. Concepts of stress and distress. Normal physiological limits of animals and birds
Unit 2. Common stressors in animals and birds and the methods to assess impact of each stressor
Unit 3. Changes animals due to stress and the methods of assessment
Unit 4. Science of animal welfare. Scientific methods of welfare assessment. Methods to improve welfare in animals and birds
ASC 816
Credits 2+1
Climate change impact and adaptation for livestock farming
Objective: to enable the student in acquiring knowledge on the strategies for mitigation of climate change threats on livestock farming.
Unit 1. Climate change and global warming. Impact of livestock on global warming.
Unit 2. Effects of climate changes on fodder production. Effects of climatic change on milk, meat and egg production.
Unit 3. Estimation of methane, Nutritional strategies to reduce methane production. Management strategies to reduce methane.
Unit 4. Disaster management. Futuristic research on mitigating of global warming.
ASC 817
Credits 2+0
Food Biotechnology
Objective: to equip student in under standing the principles of biotechnology applicable to food production and animal sciences.
Unit 1.Structure of DNA replication, gene, mutation, transcription and translation
Unit 2. PCR Trans genetic animals, transgenetic birds, animal pharming
Unit 3. GM foods. Ethical and moral issues in biotechnology. Legal issues and IPR
ASC 818
Credits 1+0
Sustainable Livestock Production and Food Security.
Objective: Strategy to ensure food security in the global scenario
Unit1. Global food availability of milk, meat and egg. Nutritional availability, malnutrition, poverty and famine.
Unit 2. Poverty eradication programmes. Role of livestock in lively hood security. Marginal and small holder systems in food security.
Unit 3. Innovations to improve processing of livestock products. Value addition techniques. Role of cooperative sector and NGOs in livestock sector. Micro financing for livestock farming, Self help groups, organic farms, utilization of yard manure, composting, vermicompost, aerobic composting, biogas production.
Unit 4. Sustainable agriculture integrated and mixed farming one health initiative.
ASC 819
Credits 1+1
Livestock Business Management
Objective: To acquaint the student with financial accounting analysis and management
Unit 1. Planning of livestock business
Unit 2. Financial accounting records, balance sheet, fund flow statement cost and analysis for marginal decisions SWOT analysis.
Unit 3. Working capital financing, instrument analysis, capital market, cooperative risk management venture capital
Unit 4.Marketing. Pricing strategies, sales promotion, legislation relating licensing.