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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
Sl.No | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Outlay in Lakhs |
1 | AICRP on Poultry Improvement | ICAR | 71.75 |
2 | Field Progeny Testing Scheme | ICAR | 53.84 |
3 | AICRP on Pigs | ICAR | 44.25 |
4 | AICRP in Goat Improvement | ICAR | 20.84 |
5 | Outreach Programme on Zoonotic Diseases | ICAR | 6.09 |
6 | Outreach programme on Ethnoveterinary medicine | ICAR | 6.36 |
7 | Megaseed on Pigs | ICAR | 60.50 |
8 | Chemical, structural and functional characterization of identified anti-tick lead phytochemicals and optimization of delivery matrix for effective application of natural formulation for the control of acaricide resistant ticks | ICAR | 33.47 |
9 | A study on the morphometric traits of desi cattle of Wayanad district | KSCSTE | 0.10 |
10 | Characterization of retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) gene in Malabari and Attappady Black goats of Kerala | KSCSTE | 1.00 |
11 | Establishing a Poultry Breeding Farm for Backyard Chicken Production at Thiruvazhamkunnu | RKVY | 973.00 |
12 | Multi target therapeutic approach for management of repeat breeding in cattle | ATMA | 9.60 |
13 | Development of biomass briquettes using slaughterhouse waste | ATMA | 12.57 |
14 | Development of a microalgae induced edible veterinary medicine against salmonellosis using outer membrane proteins ompC and ompFof salmonella Typhimurium | KSCSTE | 4.72 |
15 | Molecular diagnosis of babesia gibsoni infection in canines | KSCSTE | 1.00 |
16 | Surveillance and molecular epidemiology of especially dangerous respiratory viruses in commercial and backyard poultry and migratory waterfowl in India | DTRA | 86.18 |
17 | Identification and development of novel antimicrobial peptides to tackle the issue of antimicrobial resistance | DST | 29.95 |
18 | Addressing the production challenges of native goat breeds of Kerala through genomic approach | AHD | 17.60 |
19 | National Centre for Veterinary type cultures (NCVTC) project on Dairy Microbes | ICAR-NCVTC | 5.14 |
20 | Multi target therapeutic approach for management of repeat breeding in cattle | ATMA | 9.6 |
21 | Development of muli-trait selection criteria for cross bred cattle of Kerala | DST-SERB | 28.51 |
22 | Identification of the fungal agents associated with mastitis in milch animals | KSCSTE | 0.09 |
23 | Genetic up-breeding of duck production to strengthen livelihood security in NER of India by converging conventional and molecular techniques | DBT | 39.33 |
24 | Prevention and control of Leptospirosis - MAT test on Human Samples | IDSP | 3.00 |
25 | Lion Tailed Macaque: Feeding ecology and management of endangered species in captivity | DST WOSA | 19.72 |
26 | Establishment of state-of-the-art laboratories for diagnosis, research, teaching and demonstration facilities in the field of tick and tick-borne diseases for the mitigation of economic losses to the livestock farmers” | RKVY-RAFTAAR | 224 |
27 | Development of Real Time Multiplex PCR for detection of Poultry pathogen causing respiratory infections | DST-SERB | 29.47 |
28 | Health care management programme for augmenting production and reproduction in small scale and marginal cattle farms of Kerala | RKVY | 150.00 |
29 | Exploiting encapsulated nanoparticle conjugated phytochemicals to combat antimicrobial resistance in poultry | ICAR- NASF | 41.22 |
30 | Strengthening of Centre for Animal Adaptation to Environment and Climate Change Studies (CAADECCS) for thermal stress assessment in dairy cattle | RKVY-RAFTAR | 170.00 |
31 | Institutional capacity building leading to accreditation of College of Avian Sciences and Management, Thiruvazhamkunnu | ICAR NAHEP | 100.00 |
32 | Project based institutional cultivation ILFC Pookode | Karshaka Kshema Vakuppu | 0.71 |
33 | Genomic approach for genetic improvement and conservation of important acquaculture species, etroplus suratensis and trachintous blochii under changing climate scenario | DST-TARE | 8.25 |
34 | Pilot study on the seroprevalance of SARS-COV-2 antibodies in cats in Thiruvananthapuram District | AHD | 20.46 |
35 | Investigation of calf rearing practises to evolve better replacement heifers for Kerala | AHD | 5.00 |
36 | Bioactivity guided fractionation and isolation of bioactive compounds from Thespesia populnea medicinal plant with anticancer potential against triple negative breast cancer | NMPB | 21.38 |
37 | Multi- Omic approach in elucidating the higher disease resistance, heat tolerance and robust reproductive health of indigenous cattle of Kerala | Chancellor's Award | 35.00 |
38 | Referral, analytical and diagnostic laboratory for supporting livestock farming and diagnosis of zoonotic diseases, Mannuthy | NABARD | 3200 |
39 | Evaluation of inactivated and subunit vaccines against riemerellosis among ducks in Kerala | NABARD | 18.50 |
40 | Sustainable Parasite Management using Anaemia Eye Card in Goats | NABARD | 5.93 |
41 | Green Recovery Pathway for India: Transitioning towards a Green and Resilient Covid-19 recovery | UNDP | 45.54 |
42 | Comprehensive study on spermatozoa of vechur and crossbred bulls for identifying breed -specific and fertility ralated biomarkers" | SERB | 28.57 |
43 | Development of recombinant protein based diagnostic kit for visceral schistosomosis and seroepidemiological study of the infection in ruminants | KSCSTE | 12.57 |
44 | Effect of natural extracts as antioxidants and antimicrobial agents in fresh meat | AVT Naturals Products (Ltd) | 4.5507 |
45 | Evaluation of dietary supplementation of exogenous fibrolytic enzymes on digestibility for ruminants'- Dr. S. Esnthil Murugan( Funding agency-M/S. Kemin Industries South Asia Pvt Ltd, Chennai | M/s KEMIN | 6.96 |
46 | M/s Arjuna Natural Pvt. Ltd.-Project- “Effect of supplementation of natural antioxidant (curcumin) and omega 3 in broiler feed on chicken meat quality”-reg. | M/sArjuna Natural Pvt. Ltd | 0.96 |