Department of Animal Nutrition, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy
A walk in interview for the post of Research Assistant in the State Plan project 2018- 19 -“ Evaluation of complete feed blocks/pellets in ruminants ” under the Department of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Mannuthy would be conducted on 5th January, 2019, 11 am, at Conference Hall of College of Veterinary College, Mannuthy. Eligible candidates possessing requisite qualifications for the post shall report at the venue at 9.30 am on 05.01.2019 with originals and one copy of all certificates and testimonials to prove age, qualification and experience. Candidates reporting before 10.00 am on 05.01.2019 only will be considered to appear for the interview.
Name of the Post : Research Assistant-1 Salary: Rs. 1400/day on daily wage basis (limited to 35,000/-per month)
Period : 3 months (up to 31-3-2019)
Essential Qualification : MVSc in Animal Nutrition
Desirable : Preference will be given to candidates with good academic records and experience in Feed Mill operations
Terms and conditions
1. An application prepared in white paper affixed with passport size photo of the applicant, addressed to the undersigned along with brief bio-data viz. name, date of birth, caste/religion, gender, qualification, experience, contact number and residential address etc. should be bought for the interview.
2. Candidate should bring originals, self-attested copies of all certificates, publications and ID proof. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.
3. The appointment will be purely on daily wages basis for a period of 3 months as per the KVASU rules.
Professor and Head
Department of Animal Nutrition