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Stipendiary training interview on 15.02.2025 - UVH,KOKKALAI | Republic Day Celebration 2025 - KVASU Pookode | Notification for the post of Research Assistant and one Animal Assistant in the LSD vaccine project by IIL , Hyderabad | Engagement of Teaching Assistants at CDST, Pookode | Sale of goats - LRS Thiruvazhamkunnu. | Notification for the vacancy of Teaching Assistant in the Dept.of Animal Reproduction Gynaecology and Obstetrics on daily wage basis at CVAS Pookode.
06The Third convocation ceremony of Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is scheduled on 7th October, 2021, Thursday, at 11.30 a.m. Hon’ble Governor and Chancellor of KVASU, Shri. Arif Mohammed Khan confers the degrees and awards in the august presence of Hon’ble Pro-Chancellor, Smt. J. Chinchurani. Programme can be viewed live in the following links:
Official Youtube channel, KVASU
Official Facebook Page, KVASU