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Appointment of Pump Operator through Internal Selection-Order | Publication of rank list for the post of Pump Operator Grade II | GLOBAL LIVESTOCK CONCLAVE 2024 - PROGRAMME SCHEDULE FOR SEMINARS | Provisional List of Eligible Applicants for LSM Entrance Test | Recruitment of Assistant Professor-Backlog Vacancies notified - KVASU | KVASU invites applications from the eligible candidates for the appointment to the posts of Assistant Professor
06Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University is organising a brain storming session on the livestock breeding policy of Kerala state on 13-09-2011 at College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy. Delegates from KVASU, Animal Husbandry Department, Milma, KLD Board and Dairy Development Department will participate in the session. This is for formulating draft proposal on Animal husbandry and dairy development for the forthcoming twelfth plan..