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FCDA Training Notification - ULF & FRDS Mannuthy | Rank List - Office Attendant(Employment Exchange through) -Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant under RF Project - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy. | Rank list - Assistant Production Manager(Daily wage) - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuthy | Rank list - Junior Quality Control Officer - Meat Technology Unit, Mannuhty | Executive Development Program-Call for Nominations
29Applications are invited for the temporary positions of Hatchery Manager, Office Scretary, Accountant, Hatchery Assistant, Feed Mill Supervisor, Feed Mill Technician/Fitter and Lab Asst/Lab Technician(one vacancy each except for hatchery cleaner) in the Revolving Fund Poultry project in the Centre for Advanced Studies in Poultry Science, Kerala Veterinary & Animal Sciences University.