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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
The Veterinary College Hospital (VCH), Mannuthy was established in 1961 as a part of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy. Right from its inception, its mandate included teaching, research and extension. Apart from treating 120-150 cases from various parts Kerala state and bordering districts of Tamilnadu every day, the hospital also caters the needs of Police department, Army, Navy, NCC and Forest and wildlife departments. Italso provides daily ambulatory clinic services at two selected dairy villages namely Malamukku and Cherumkuzhy for solving the problems of the farmers at their door step as well as providing educational facilities for BVSc & AH students of our college. The College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex has become one of the state's premier veterinary hospital handling more than fifty thousand cases annually offering cutting-edge diagnostic and therapeutic services relative to large and small animal clinical services.
B.V.Sc& AH
MSVE 2016
Third Year
Fourth Year
MSVE 2009
Stipendiary training for VHSE candidates for a period of 6 months offered for two batches per year. . Stipendiary training on “Veterinary Laboratory Techniques, Pharmacy and Nursing”
1. Research :
a. Thrust Areas of research: Mastitis, Metabolic diseases of large animals, endocrine diseases of small animals, feline infectious diseases, cardiac diseases of small animals, renal disorders, blood parasites in large and small animals, worm load in goats
b. Number of On-going and Completed Research projects: PG, & PhD, State Plan and EAPs
On-going (EAPs and State Plan)
Title of the Project |
Name of P I |
Total Outlay |
Funding Agency |
Doorstep Veterinary services to the rural farmers of selected villages through ambulatory clinic |
Dr. Usha Narayana Pillai Professor and Head, TVCC |
3,00,000 (3 lakhs) |
State Government |
Development of new Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex to impart advanced veterinary health service to farmers in Kerala |
Dr. Usha Narayana Pillai Professor and Head, TVCC |
10,00,000 (10Lakhs) |
State Government |
Augmentation of Veterinary referral molecular diagnostic laboratory |
Dr. Usha Narayana Pillai Professor and Head, TVCC |
9,50,000 (9.5 lakhs) |
State Government |
Universal Veterinary Health Coverage for Optimizing Productivity of Livestock |
Dr. Usha Narayana Pillai Professor and Head, TVCC |
17,00,000 (17Lakhs) |
State Government |
RKVY-RAAFTAAR ANHB/2019/1386 Health care management Programme for augmenting Production and reproduction in small scale |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar Professor and Head, TVCC |
96,00,000 (96 lakhs) |
Central Govt. |
Completed (EAPs and State Plan)
Title of the Project |
Name of P I |
Total Outlay |
Funding Agency |
Year of Completion |
EFC + ICAR grant development -Project |
Dr. C.B. Devanand |
77, 69132 |
Central govt. ICAR |
2014 |
Universal Veterinary Health Coverage for Optimizing Productivity of Livestock. up To 31.03.2014 |
Dr. Shyam K. Venugopal |
50, 00,000 50 lakhs |
State |
2014-2015 |
Strengthening of four hospital 125-59-0005-6136 |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
State |
2015-2016 |
ICAR development grant |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
1,00,000 (1lakh) |
State |
2015-2016 |
Doorstep veterinary services to the rural farmers of selected villages through ambulatory clinic |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
8,00,000 (8 lakh) |
State |
2016-2017 |
Universal Veterinary Health Coverage for Optimizing Productivity of Livestock |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
10, 00,000 (10 lakhs) |
2016-2017 |
State Plan Project, 2015-16 - Evet connect for providing 24 X 7 Veterinary services |
Dr. C.B. Devanand |
36, 00,000 (36 lakhs) |
2016-2017 |
RSP/16-17/VII-2 Application of modern diagnostic methods for early tumour detection and its management in veterinary practice |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
3,00,000 (3lakh) |
State |
2017-2018 |
RSP/16-17/VII-9 Study of casuative organisms and its control strategy for specific and nonspecific infectious agents causing infertility in cows |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
5,00,000 (5 lakh) |
2017-2018 |
RSP/16-17/XII-1 Universal Veterinary Health Coverege for optimizing productivity of Live stock |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
9,00,000 (9 lakh) |
State |
2017-2018 |
ISP/16-17-25 Development of teaching veterinary clinical complex to impart advanced veterinary health service and academic excellence |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
10, 00,000 (10 lakh) |
State |
2016-2017 |
Ent SP/16-17 -12 Doorstep Veterinary Services to the Rural Farmers of selected Villages through Ambulatory clinic |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
6,50,000 6.5 lakhs |
State |
2016-2017 |
RSP/17-18/VIII-4 Establishment of canine fertility unit at University Veterinary Hospital, Mannuthy |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
2,00,000 2lakhs |
State |
2018-2019 |
RSP/17-18/XII-1 Universal Veterinary Health Coverege for optimizing productivity of Live stock |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
3,00,000 3 lakhs |
State |
2018-2019 |
ISP/17-18-7 Development of teaching veterinary clinical complex to impart advanced veterinary health service and academic excellence |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
43,75,000 43.75lakh |
State |
2018-2019 |
EntSP/17-18 -6 Doorstep Veterinary Services to the Rural Farmers of selected Villages through Ambulatory clinic |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
7,00,000 7lakh |
State |
2018-2019 |
ISP/17-18-7 Development of teaching veterinary clinical complex to impart advanced veterinary health service and academic excellence |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
15,00,000 15 lakh |
State |
2018-2019 |
RSP/19-20/X -3 Doorstep Veterinary Services to the Rural Farmers of selected Villages through Ambulatory clinic |
Dr. S. Ajithkumar |
2,00,000 2lakh |
State |
2019-2020 |
PG & Ph D (On Going)
Sl. No. |
Title of the Project - NIL |
PG & Ph D (Completed)
Sl. No. |
Title of the Project - NIL |
2. Patents: NIL
3. Collaborations with external agencies: NIL
4. Extension and technology transfer (Extension projects, trainings, transferable technology developed …)
5. Services offered (to public and other departments)
Three separate units, Medicine, Surgery and Obstetrics & Gynaecology are functioning in the hospital during working hours along with referral units Cardiology, dermatology, emergency medicine, urology, Transfusion medicine, ophthalmology, orthopedics, soft tissue surgery etc. separate operation theatres are attached with the surgery unit and various surgeries has been performed. Specialized investigation equipments like endoscopy, laparoscopy, ultrasonography, Doppler echocardiography, electrocardiography, blood gas analyzer, blood pressure monitor are available. The hospital has an Intensive Care Unit with advanced life saving equipment such as defibrillator, oxygen concentrator, CRI machine (Syringe pump and drip counter) multi para monitor.
A well-equipped clinical laboratory with hematologyanalyzer and semi auto biochemical analyzer. Recently we have started molecular and microbiology laboratory. The hospital also provides an ambulatory clinic extension service at two selected dairy belt villages namely Malamukku and Cherumkuzhy for solving the problems of the farmers.
Dr. Usha Narayana Pillai Ph.D.
Professor and Head
E mail:
Mobile No:9847803271
Dr. Reji Varghese M.V.Sc.
Assistant Professor
E mail:
Mobile No: 9745055033
Dr. Reji Varghese, MVSc, Assistant Professor, Department of Veterinary Surgery and Radiology, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Pookode, Kerala, has 18 years of clinical, academic and research experience including an overseas assignment in Eritrea. He is a member of various scientific societies and a life member of the Indian Society for Veterinary Surgery and Indian Society for Advancement of Canine Practice. Dr. Reji is a recipient of certificate of awards for the best thesis and highest OGPA in Veterinary Surgery and Radiology from Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University in 2002. He has presented over 25 papers in various National/International symposia. He has more than 25 research/review/clinical/popular articles and a radio talk to his credit. He is presently guiding 5 post graduate scholars in the capacity of major and minor advisor.
Dr. Shyma V.H. M.V.Sc.
Assistant Professor
Email ID: -
Mobile No: 9446884184
Dr .Varuna P. Panicker Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
E mail:
Mobile No: 8089355649
Dr. Amel Dev P. M.V.Sc.
Teaching Assistant
E mail:
Mobile No: 9567532553
Dr. Vishnu Velayudhan M.V.Sc.
Teaching Assistant
E mail:
Phone: 8129850474