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പ്രവേശന വിജ്ഞാപനം - ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സ് - കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു | Selection of Stipendiary Trainees- Spot admission notification - UVH & TVCC Mannuthy | Notification for the provisional engagement to the post of Farm Assistant on daily wage basis - BRTC- TVM | RE NOTIFICATION FOR THE POST OF TEACHING ASSISTANT-DEPT.OF STATISTICS - COVAS-PKD | ഡിപ്ലോമ ഇൻ ലൈവ്സ്റ്റോക്ക് മാനേജ്മെന്റ് കോഴ്സിലേക്കുള്ള പ്രവേശനം - വിജ്ഞാപനം -കെ.വി.എ.എസ്.യു
KVASU CWS Admission Notice - 2024-25
Name of the Unit: KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies, Pookode, Wayanad
Origin & History
KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies (KVASU-CWS) is one of the first new centres to be established by the University at the time of its commencement at its Pookode Campus. The Centre started functioning during the National Wildlife Week of 2011. The staff strength then was one.
The Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) course was launched from the Centre simultaneously. The course is open for graduates from multidisciplinary bioscience backgrounds (Botany, Zoology, Veterinary Science, MBBS, Biotechnology, Forestry, Agriculture etc.). The first batch consisted of five students, of which one was a tribal girl from Wayanad. The number of current students is thirty two. Thirty six students have completed the course to date. The students hail from various states of India like Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Andhra, Telangana, Maharashtra and Gujarat.
KVASU-CWS has a multidisciplinary mode of functioning with veterinary doctors, wildlife biologists, social scientists, molecular biologists, and climatology and forest law experts involved in the training of students. The Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) course is multi-university in nature with faculty from various departments of the University and extra-mural experts from various other organizations teaching the students. KVASU-CWS developed MoUs for collaboration with organizations like University of Edinburgh, Kerala Forest Research Institute, and Kerala State Forest Department during the period from 2011 to 2014. It developed collaborations with other leading state, national and international level experts, including faculty from University of Calgary, Canada, for improved student training. The Centre is committed to the training and empowerment of students passionate about “Conservation Action” while ensuring social welfare.
KVASU-CWS started actively involving in tribal welfare activities in 2016 and established and developed “Gothra Mission”, the tribal welfare project of the University. The Centre is committed to the empowerment of the currently marginalized and exploited tribal communities whose nature-friendly ways of life preserved the forests and biodiversity of the Western Ghats. The Centre is also involved in the empowerment of youth from other socio-economically backward communities, as well as helping farming communities suffering from human-wildlife conflict.
The current staff strength of the Centre is eleven, most of whom function on a temporary basis. The 53rd Board of Management meeting of the University approved a proposal for upgrading KVASU-CWS into a “Western Ghats Regional Institute for Wildlife Research and Tribal Welfare” committed to multidisciplinary One-Heath Action at the human-wildlife-ecosystem interface. The proposal is currently under consideration for approval by the Government of Kerala. KVASU-CWS looks forward to evolving into a leading organization of higher education fit to empower the next generation to meet emerging challenges like climate change, emerging infectious diseases of wildlife origin, human-wildlife conflict and sustainable development of people living in forests and biodiversity rich areas like Wayanad.
Empowerment of the next generation for “Conservation Action” founded on social welfare (Empowerment of the next generation for multidisciplinary One-Health Action at the human-wildlife-ecosystem interface)
Staff structure
Special Officer - 1 Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty - 2 Assistant Professors
Teaching Assistants - 3
Assistant Registrar - 1
Office Assistant - 1
Class IV - 1
Driver - 1
Labourer (Wild Animal Attendant) - 1
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) Office and Class Rooms (Ecofriendly and low cost, established in a natural ambience surrounded by greenery and water bodies at the Pookode Campus, Wayanad)
Molecular Wildlife Forensic and Disease Diagnostic Laboratory
Wild animal tranquilization equipment
Wild animal rescue and rehabilitation facility
Mobile Wildlife Veterinary Services vehicle (donated by Wildlife Trust of India)
Tribal empowerment and training units
Wild animals and birds brought for veterinary care by the Kerala State Forest Department
On-going Projects:
Title of the Project |
Name of Principal investigator |
Funding Agency |
Fund Allocated (Lakhs Rs.) |
Duration of Project |
Augmenting activities of KVASU-CWS as a preliminary steps for establishment of WGRI-WRTW |
Dr. George Chandy |
Government of Kerala |
11.00 |
Continuing |
Completed Projects:
Title of the Project |
Name of Principal investigator |
Funding Agency |
Fund Allocated |
Year of Completion |
Forest cover changes and large mammal population in South Wayanad Forest Division |
Dr. George Chandy |
Government of Kerala |
2.0 |
2018 |
Operational expenses for training and education |
Dr. George Chandy |
Government of Kerala |
3.0 |
2018 |
Centre for Wildlife Studies and Research on Captive Elephants |
Dr. George Chandy |
Government of Kerala |
1.0 |
2016 |
Developed MoU for collaboration with University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom for student training (2013-2018)
Developed MoU for collaboration with Kerala Forest Research Institute for student training (2012-2017)
Developed MoU for collaboration with Kerala State Forest Department for student training (2014-2019)
Established and developed “Gothra Mission” the tribal welfare project of KVASU (2016-2020, ongoing)
Developed the concept and established demonstration units of “i farm” units for helping farmers and families grow vegetables and take up various farming activities in human-wildlife conflict areas
Developed the concept and established “Community Wildlife Guards” / “Vanara Prathirodha Sena” for helping public overcome human-wildlife conflict involving beneficiaries of the social welfare programmes of KVASU
Developing the “Gothra” and “Moksha” co-operatives for the empowerment and sustainable development, avoiding intermediaries, for tribal and scheduled caste BPL beneficiaries, respectively
The research activities of KVASU-CWS are mainly associated with the mandatory Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) dissertation work of students. The topics of the research areas of students from 2011 till date are given below.
Sl. No. |
Name |
Reg. No. |
Dissertation title |
1 |
Vivek P.C. |
11-MSVP-01 |
Use of individual photo identification techniques to study the ecology of Hemidactylus prashadi Smith, 1935 in a human modified habitat |
2 |
Roshnath R. |
11-MSVP-02 |
Diet composition and socio-economic importance of heronries of Kannur District, Kerala |
3 |
Monisha V. |
11-MSVP-03 |
A review of diversity and natural history of freshwater fishes of Wayanad |
4 |
Arjun C.P. |
11-MSVP-04 |
Study of human-monkey conflict with special reference to Bonnet Macaques (Maccaca radiata) in selected areas of Wayanad district, Kerala |
5 |
Tijo K. Joy |
11-MSVP-05 |
Study of human-elephant conflict involving Asian Elephants (Elephas maximus) in the Western Part of Wayanad Plateau |
6 |
Dencin R.T. |
13-MSVP-01 |
The leverage of riparian vegetation and physical habitat on fish assemblage structure |
7 |
Karthika C. |
13-MSVP-02 |
A comparative study of mixed-species bird flocks in a forest and coffee habitat in Wayanad, Kerala |
8 |
Nithin D. |
13-MSVP-03 |
Diversity, habitat preference and feeding habits of Chiropterans in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
9 |
Anuraj R.K. |
13-MSVP-04 |
Comparison of community structure of reptiles between a forest fragment and an intact forest |
10 |
Dipika V. |
13-MSVP-05 |
Epidemiological study on Kyasanur Forest Disease (KFD) in the monkey population of Wayanad district, Kerala |
11 |
Vishnu O. |
13-MSVP-06 |
Assessing genetic diversity of tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary by using non-invasive technologies |
12 |
Jeena K.D. |
13-MSVP-07 |
Detection of Rickettisial pathogens of ticks of wild mammals and reptiles |
13 |
Ajisha S. |
13-MSVP-08 |
Influence of different habitats on occurrence of Asian Small-clawed Otter (Aonyx cinerea, Illiger, 181) in Wayanad, Kerala, India |
14 |
Neethu B. |
13-MSVP-09 |
Assessing the genetic variability in the free ranging Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus) population of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
15 |
Arjun M. S. |
13-MSVP-10 |
Prevalence of endoparasite and prey preference of tiger (Panthera tigris tigris) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
16 |
Sophia J. V. |
14-02MS-001 |
Population status and nesting ecology of Mugger Crocodiles (Crocodylus palustris Lesson, 1831) in Kuruva island, Wayanad, Kerala |
17 |
Haritha S. |
14-02MS-002 |
A study on microhabitat selection and distribution of Bicoloured Frog (Clinotarsus curtipus, Jerdon) tadpole within a hill stream with special reference to river continuum concept |
18 |
Jishnu M. |
14-02MS-003 |
Characterization of mono amine oxidase a (MAOA) gene and transcript from Asian Elephant (Elephus maximus): A possible candidate for risk taking behaviour |
19 |
Aswathy Balan |
14-02MS-005 |
Floral diversity and animal utilization of forest marshy grassland in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
20 |
Shilpa K. S. |
14-02MS-006 |
Host species preference of fig wasps in south Wayanad Forest Division |
21 |
Sreejith S. |
14-02MS-009 |
Effect of edges on non-volant small mammals in two adjacent habitat of Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
22 |
Angel Joy |
14-02MS-010 |
Density and diversity of invasive plant species in different habitats of South Wayanad Forest Division |
23 |
Jayakrishnan K.R. |
14-02MS-011 |
Dynamics of human-elephant conflict in and around Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
24 |
Roshin Tom |
15-02MS-001 |
Population and microhabitat usage of Malabar Slender Loris (Loris lydekkerianus malabaricus) in human modified plantations of Kottayam District, Kerala, India |
25 |
Samuel George |
15-02MS-002 |
Diet composition and distribution of Dhole Cuon alpinus in South Wayanad Forest Division, Kerala |
26 |
Bibin Paul M. |
15-02MS-003 |
Bat species diversity, habitat utilization and diet composition in South Wayanad Forest Division, Kerala |
27 |
Swathy Soman |
15-02MS-004 |
Behavioural pattern and defecation rate of captive Gaur (Bos gaurus H. Smith, 1827) at Thiruvananthapuram Zoo, Kerala |
28 |
Bindya A. |
15-02MS-005 |
Molecular detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex (MTBC) and Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) organisms in Indian Grey Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii) |
29 |
Karkaria Tushna S. |
15-02MS-006 |
Screening for diseases in Asiatic Wild Dogs (Cuon alpinus) in South Wayanad Forest Division, Kerala |
30 |
Abijith T.V. |
15-02MS-007 |
Prevalence of endoparasites in Asian Elephant (Elephas maximus Linnaeus, 1758) in South Wayanad Forest Division, Kerala |
31 |
Devapriya Dileep |
15-02MS-008 |
Population and foraging ecology Nilgiri Langur Trachypithecus Johnii (Fischer, 1829) |
32 |
Anju V. |
16-02MS-001 |
Population density, diversity and developmental stages of selected butterfly species in Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala |
33 |
Aperna Mohan K.M. |
16-02MS-002 |
Diversity of ground dwelling spiders in South Wayanad Forest Division |
34 |
Anandu R. |
16-02MS-003 |
A perliminary study on human-wildlife conflict in selected areas of Wayanad |
35 |
Nidhin I.K. |
17-MSVP-01 |
Emerging human-leopard conflict in South Wayanad Forest Division, Kerala: Identification of individual leopards (Panthera pardus) and their diet composition |
36 |
Nithin Revi |
17-MSVP-02 |
Phylogrouping and determination of antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli isolates from faeces of Sloth Bear (Melursus ursinus) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary |
Empowerment activities for youth from tribal communities of Wayanad
Empowerment activities for youth from Scheduled Caste BPL communities of Wayanad
Awareness programmes and scientific technical support for farmers and public for overcoming human-wildlife conflict
Abhijith, T.V., Ashokkumar, M., Dencin, R.T. and G. Chandy, 2018. Gastrointestinal parasites of Asian elephants (Elephas maximus L. 1798) in South Wayanad forest division, Kerala, India. Journal of parasitic diseases 42(3):382-390.
Bindya, A., ChintuRavishankar, T Karkaria, G. Chandy and J. Alexander, 2018. Molecular detection of bacteria of Mycobacterium avium Complex (MAC) in Indian Grey Mongoose (Herpestes edwardsii), Oral presentation at 30th Kerala Science congress on 28th to 30th Jan 2018 at Thalassery.
Arjun, M.S. Ravindran, R., Zachariah, A., Ashokkumar, M., Varghese, A., Deepa, C.K. and G. Chandy, 2017. Gastrointestinal parasites of Tigers (Pantheratigristigris) in Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India, International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences 6(8): 2502-2509.
Ashokkumar, M., Valsarajan, D., Arjun, M.S., Kaimal, A.R and G. Chandy, 2017. Stomach contents of the Indian Pangolin Manis crassicaudata (Mammalia: Pholidota: Manidae) in tropical forests of Southern India. Journal of Threatened Taxa 9(5): 10246-10248.
Arjun, C.P., George, C., Ashokkumar, M. and K.K. Ramachandran, 2015. Study of Human-monkey conflict with special reference to Bonnet Macaque (Macaca radiata) in selected areas of Wayanad District, Kerala, Paper presented on 2nd Dec 2015 in International conference on Biodiversity and evaluation: Perceptive and Paradigm shift 2015. Sree Sankara College, Kalady and Department of Marine Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry, School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT, Cochin
Awareness programmes, counseling and training for beneficiaries of social welfare activities: Free of cost, upon request or as arranged
Rescue and rehabilitation of injured sick and orphaned wild animals: Free of cost, upon request by Kerala State Forest Department
Wildlife necropsy and forensic work: Free of cost, upon request by Kerala State Forest Department
Special Officer: Dr. George Chandy, Assistant Professor
Adjunct Faculty:
Teaching Assistant:
Dr. George Chandy, Special Officer, KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies, Pookode, Lakkidi PO, Wayanad 673576, Kerala, India
Phone: 8304073367
RTI: Name, address and contact details of the person responsible
Dr. George Chandy
Special Officer
KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies
Pookode, Lakkidi PO
Wayanad 673576, Kerala
Phone: 8304073367
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students during study visit to Edinburgh Zoo, Scotland |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students and faculty of KVASU-CWS setting up camera traps to study human-leopard conflict at Wayanad |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students during study visit to Chembra Peak, Wayanad |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students during field rescue of Sambar Deer |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students and faculty of KVASU-CWS during field visit to evaluate damage to crops by Wild Boar at Sulthan Bathery, Wayanad, and suggest mitigation measures |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students during study visit to the Great Himalayan National Park |
“i farm” unit and “Gothra Mission” office room |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) students during launch of paddy cultivation at “Gothra Mission” 2019 |
Training of “Community Wildlife Guards” / “Vanara Prathirodha Sena” involving “Gothra” and “Moksha” beneficiaries of the social welfare projects of KVASU-CWS |
Awards and Achievements of Students, Alumni and Faculty of KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies, Pookode (During Last 10 years)
Sl. no |
Name of the Faculty / Student |
Name of the Department |
Awards |
Achievement in Detail |
Name of the Award |
Received (Period) |
Sponsoring authority and other details |
Faculty |
1 |
Dr. George Chandy |
KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies (KVASU-CWS) |
Member and South-Asia Regional Co-ordinator, IUCN Species Survival Commission Wildlife Health Specialist Group (IUCN SSC WHSG) |
2018 onwards |
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Species Survival Commission |
Participation in wildlife conservation activities of IUCN SSC - WHSG |
2 |
Dr. George Chandy |
KVASU Centre for Wildlife Studies (KVASU-CWS) |
Member, Wayanad District Level Technical Support Group, Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
2020 onwards |
Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
Provide technical support for activities associated with biodiversity conservation organized by Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
Master of Science (Wildlife Studies) Students |
1 |
Roshnath R. |
Idea Wild Equipment Grant |
2019 |
Idea Wild, USA |
For research equipment |
2 |
Roshnath R. |
SERB Travel Grant |
2019 |
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India |
Travel grant for attending conference |
3 |
Roshnath R. |
Dr. C. Chandrasekharan Memorial Award, KFRI |
2018 |
Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi |
Awarded to committed and promising young conservation researcher |
4 |
Roshnath R. |
ATBC Travel Grant |
2018 |
Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation |
Travel grant for attending ATBC Annual Meeting at Malaysia |
5 |
Roshnath R. |
Idea Wild Equipment Grant |
2017 |
Idea Wild, USA |
For research equipment |
6 |
Roshnath R. |
Young Ornithologist Award |
2017 |
For young emerging ornitjologist |
7 |
Roshnath R. |
Student Wildlife Award – CLAW 2016 |
2016 |
Sir Syed College, Taliparamba, Kannur |
Awarded to young conservationist |
8 |
Roshnath R. |
IUCN Heron Specialist Group |
2014 |
International Union for Conservation of Nature - Species Survival Commission |
Participate in activities associated with water bird conservation associated with IUCN |
9 |
Roshnath R. |
Inspire Fellowship |
2013 |
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India |
Fellowship for PhD research |
10 |
Vivek Philip Cyriac |
Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) |
2013 |
Department of Higher Education, Government of India |
Fellowship for PhD resaearch |
11 |
Tijo K. Joy |
International Bat Conservation Award |
2018 |
Bat Conservation International |
For young conservationist who promotes bat conservation |
12 |
Tijo K. Joy |
Rufford Grant for Wildlife Conservation Research |
2015, 2016, 2017 |
Rufford Foundation, UK |
Funding received for PhD research in Bat Conservation |
13 |
Tijo K. Joy |
Prathima Shetty Travel Scholarship |
2017 |
Prathima Shetty Foundation |
Funding support for travel in connection with wildlife conservation |
14 |
Tijo K. Joy |
Idea Wild Equipment Grant |
2017 |
Idea Wild, USA |
Funding support for wildlife research equipment |
15 |
Tijo K. Joy |
Nature Science Initiative Travel Grant |
2016 |
Nature Science Initiative, India |
Funding support for travel in connection with wildlife conservation |
16 |
Arjun C. P. |
Excellence Award |
2018 |
ROOF – Alumni Association of CVAS, Pookode |
Recognition for alumnus of CVAS, Pookode, who has excelled in the field of animal taxonomy |
17 |
Monisha V. |
DST Woman Scientist Scheme - A (WOS - A) |
2018 |
Department of Science and Technology, Government of India |
National level award, Rs. 35,000.00 per month for PhD research |
18 |
Karthika Chandran |
M. Krishnan Memorial Award for Nature Writing |
2020 |
Madras Naturalists Society |
Original scientific article on nature conservation |
19 |
Karthika Chandran |
Ph.D. Fellowship - Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
2016 |
Kerala State Biodiversity Board |
Fellowship for PhD research |
20 |
Nithin Diwakar |
Idea Wild Equipment Grant |
2020 |
Idea Wild, USA |
For research equipment |
21 |
Nithin Diwakar |
Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Grant |
2019 |
Mohamed bin Zayed Fund |
For research project on frogs |
22 |
Dr. Tushna Karkaria |
Selection to ITrap programme of University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
2017 |
University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
Training in One Health by University of Saskatchewan, Canada |
23 |
Dr. T. Srimannarayana Murthy |
Queen Elizabeth II Fellowship, University of Calgary, Canada |
2018 |
University of Calgary, Canada |
Funding support for 3 months training at University of Calgary, Canada and Calgary Zoo |
24 |
Nithin I. K. |
2019 |
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India |
Fellowship for PhD |