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Rank lists - Provisional appointments through District Employment Exchange - TVCC Pookode | Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the temporary engagement of Teaching Assistants on daily wage basis at College of Veterinary 7 Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode.
Research (Major thrust area, PG, PhD, research Projects, EAP, Funding, Agency, PI)
Major thrust area of research carried out at the department is to improve the reproductive efficiency of the livestock – the most important problem faced by farmers in our state.
The areas of research include better reproductive management techniques, modified treatment protocols and improving the gamete processing, handling and preservation.
The PG research projects currently being carried out are:
Research news and Events
During the last academic year protocols for induction of calving in crossbred cattle were evaluated, technique of ultrasonographic evaluation of canine prostate gland was standardized, evaluation of media for maturation of caprine oocytes were carried out.