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Rank lists - Provisional appointments through District Employment Exchange - TVCC Pookode | Applications are invited from eligible candidates for the temporary engagement of Teaching Assistants on daily wage basis at College of Veterinary 7 Animal Sciences, Pookode, Wayanad. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Notification for the selection of candidates to the Stipendiary training on Veterinary Nursing, Pharmacy and Laboratory Techniques for batch commencing from 1st March 2025 at Teaching Veterinary Clinical Complex, Pookode. | Leadership training programme for students union/university union & installation of KVASU union
The Department of Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence, is associated with the functioning of the Medical Units of the University Teaching Veterinary Hospitals at Mannuthy (Veterinary College Campus ) and Kokkala (Thrissur City). Large and small animal medical cases presented are attended to by the faculty. Referred cases and routine out patient medical cases are presented to both the hospitals. The department faculty also attends the speciality units of dermatology, cardiology, haemodialysis and critical care at the Teaching hospital at Mannuthy. Transfusion medicine research unit of the Department caters to the blood transfusion related research and needs of livestock and pets. Advanced diagnostic facilities available are also put to use for diagnosis. We are also associated with livestock health camps, ambulatory services, disease investigation of farms and other animal health related activities