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Dr.Shyama K
Designation: - Professor Address: - Associate Professor & Head, Dept.of Animal Nutrition, CVAS, Pookode Mobile No: - 9447436104 Email ID: - |
B. V. Sc& AH, Kerala Agricultural University (1985-91)
M.V. Sc., K.A.U, (1992-1994)
Ph.D , K.A.U (2009)
Ruminant Nutrition
Non Ruminant Nutrition
Nutrition of Laboratory Animals
Feed Technology
1. Sheep & Goat farm Mannuthy (College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Mannuthy )
2. Centre for Pig Production and Research ,COVAS Mannuthy
3. Cattle Breeding Farm,Thumburmuzhy
4 .Faculty of College of Veterrinary & Animal Sciences Mannuthy with additional charge of SABS,
5. Associate Professer of College of Veterrinary & Animal Sciences, Pookode with additional charge of
Professor (Acad)
BVSc& AH MVSc and PhD - Various courses
Technical Manager and Deputy Quality Manger -NABL accredited feed and fodder analysis
Laboratory at CVAS, Mannuthy
Institute of Fisheries Technology Cochin 21days
from 4-10-2012 to 6-10-2012
September25 to 28th (4 days)- 2012
physiology to ameliorate stress and promote production in livestock- September 4-13th , 2013 at
National Institute of Animal Nutrition and Physiology, Bangalore
1. K.Shyama and C.S.James (1994) Dried spleen meal as a biostimulator in kid rations (Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 25 : 9-13)
2. K.Shyama and C.S.James (1995) Effect of dried spleen on digestibility and nutrient utilization in growing kids.(Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences)26 :1-5
3.A study on drymatter digestibility in large whiteYorkshire,desi and crossbred pigs(as co-author)
4. K.Jaibi, K.Shyama and M.R.Rajan . (2006) Comparison of feed efficiency of desi pigs and their crossbreds Proceedings of the eighteenth Kerala Science Congres 29-31 124-126
(Proceedings of the fiteenth Kerala Science Congress)29-31 January(2003) 549-551
5. Kuriakose Alosh Peter, M.R.Rajan, K.Shyama and Joseph Mathew (2003) Effect of feeding hatchery waste on the growth performance of crossbred pigs. Animal welfare and production journal (1) 1:17
6 .A.D.Mercy, K.B.Bindu and K.Shyama (2006) Utilization of cuttle fish (Sepia officialis) bone meal as calcium supplement in the diet of pigs. Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 76 (4) : 349-350
7.Jasmine Rani, K.,Gangadevi, P., Mercy, A. D., Shyama, K. and Sujatha, K. S. (2007) Effect of restricted milk feeding on the performance of crossbred calves. Indian J. Anim. Nutr. 24(2): 130-132.
8.Memory and Hierarchical behavior in mice, rats and guinea pigs.(3rd author)J.Vet.Anim.Sci-2008.39:49-52
9. Ruby Augustine, A.D.Mercy, P.Gangadevi, K.Shyama and P.A.Peethambaran. (2010):Energy supplementation on production performance of cows under field conditions. Journal of Indian Veterinary Association (8) 1:15
10.Chemical composition of brewerywaste Senthilkumar,S., Viswanathan T.V., Mercy A.D., Gangadevi P., Ally K. and Shyama K. 2010 Tamilnadu.J.Vet.Anim.Sci-6(1)49-51
11.Energy supplementation on production performance of cows under field conditions
Jiva vol.8 issue 1 june 2010
12.Effect of phytase supplementation on growth and nutrient digestibility(first author) |
J.Vet.Anim.Sci.2011 42:8-15
13.IVJ- Effect of different levels of Ca, P and phytaseon growth and feed conversion efficiency of crossbred swine K. Shyama, A. D. Mercy and P. Gangadevi
14...Effect of phytase supplementation in swine rations on bone and carcass charecteristics
Shyama K, Gangadevi P and Syammohan K.M JIVA vol 12 issue 2 December 2014
15..Effect of feeding dried tuna waste silage on blood lipid profile in Large White Yorkshire pigs Anuraj K.S,Shyama K and Hari Abdul samad Pripex Indian Journal of research vol3 issue 7july 2014
16...Slaughter studies on Large White Yorkshire pigs fed dried tuna waste Anuraj K.S, Ajith M.K, Shyama K Global journal for research analysisvol3,issue 7 July 2014
17...Effect of dried tuna waste silage on blood biochemical profile in Large white Yorkshire pigs K.S Anuraj,K, K.Shyama and M.Sreparvathy The Asian Journal of Animal Science vol 9 issoe 2 December 2014
18...Dried tuna waste silage as an alternative protein source for swine feedingInd .J.Res and Tech 2014 2 (3) 49-52 Anuraj K.S, Sreeparvathy M, Shyama K, Dipu M.t and Hari R
19..Influence of supplementation of copper at two levels and flavomycin on mineral concentrations in plasma and tibia of broiler chicken S.Vasanth, M.T.Dipu , K.Shyama and P.Ponnuvel The Indian Journal of field vets vol10 No1
20.Effect of different levels of zinc…crossbred pigs Journal of Veterinary and animal sciences Accepted for publication G.S Jisha , K.Shyama M.T.Dipu and Thirupathy V
22.Effect of dried tuna waste silage on mineral availability in Large white Yorkshire pigs Anuraj K.S Shyama K.and Sreeparvathy M International Journal of Scientific Research vol3issue 7 July 2014
23.Effect of phytase supplementation on mineral availability and plasma biochemical parameters in crossbred pigs K. Shyama and K.M.Syammohan Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2015 46(1):15-21
24..Effect of zinc at different levels on growth and feed conversion efficiency of cross bred pigs
G.S. Jisha, K.S hyama, M.T.Dipu and ThirupathyVenkatachalapathy Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences 2015 46(1):55-59
25..Effect of Mannan Oligosaccharides ---in broiler rabbitsK.Jamsheera, K.Shyama ……….V.L.Gleeja Journal of Veterinary and Animal Sciences –Accepted for publication 2015
26)Effect of feeding of hydroponic fodder maize as partial protein supplement on growth performance in kids by K.Shyama, G.Rajkumar. K.Jasmine Rani and R.Thirupathy Venkatachalapathy
Vol 14 issue 3 December 2016 –JIVA
27)Biomass yield and chemical composition of Calliandra calothyrsus, Desmanthus virgatus and Stylosanthus hamate
By G.Jayaprakash, K.Shyama, P.Gangadevi, K. Ally, K.S. Anil, Asha K. Raj, M. Sathiayabarathi and M. Arokia Robert International Journal of Sciences, Environment and Technology vol,5 No,4 2016, 2290-2295
28)Production performance of cows reared on complete feeds with varying levels of neutral detergent fobre (NDF) as against the conventional grass-concentrate feeding system in Kerala
by Biju Chacko, K.M.Syam mohan, K.Ally, K.Shyama, K.S.Anil and C.T.Sathian j.Vet, Anim,Sci 2016, 47(1)36-41
29)Nerve growth factor gene ovarian expression,polymorphism identification, and association with litter size in goats by T.Naicy, R.T.Venkatachalapathy, T.V.Aravindakshan, G.Radhika, K.C.Raghavan, M.Mini, K. Shyama Theriogenology 86(2016)2172-2178
30) Relative abundance of tissue mRNA and association of the single nucleotide polymorphism of the goat NGF gene with prolificacy by T.Naicy, R.T.Venkatachalapathy, T.V.Aravindakshan, K.C.Raghavan, M.Mini, K. Shyama
31)Effect of dietary incorporation of nutraceutical residue (Alfalfa pellet) on growth performance and haematological parameters in crossbred calves K. Jasmine, C.R.Chithrima Seethal, Surej Joseph Bunglavan, K.Ally and K.Shyama Indial Journal of natural sciences
32) Dietary incorporation of Ksheerabala residue and its effect on nutrient utilization,growth performance and blood biochemical parameters in crossbred calves K.Jasmine Rani.,K,Ally, C.R.Chitrima Seethal Surej Joseph Bunglavan, P.Gangadevi and K.Shyama Indian Journal of Nutrition December 2016 vol33 no 4
33) Effect of paddy straw plus non forage fibre sources based complete rations with different levels of neutral detergent fibre on rumen fermentation parameters in lactating cows .Biju Chacko, K.,.Syam Mohan, K.M.,. Ally, K.,.Shyama, K,.Anil, K.Sm and.Sathian C.T. Indian journal of animal nutrition vol 34 no 3 September –short communication
34)Co digestion of livestock manures for enrichedbiogas production by Dr. C.G.Varma, Dr.A.Kannan, Dr..Anil, K.S., Dr. Geetha, N,. Dr..Shyama, K and Dr..Gleeja V.L. International Journal of Science, Environment and technology vol 6, No 3,2017- 2005-2010
35)Effect of paddy straw based complete ration s with different levels of neutral detergent fibre on microbial protein synthesis in dairy cows during early and mid lactation |
Biju Chacko K.,.Syam Mohan, K.M., Ally, K.,.Shyama, K., Anil K.S. and.Sathian C.T Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 87(8)1000-1004 August 2017
36)Effect of paddy straw plus nonforage fibre source based complete rations with different levels of neutral detergent fiber on hemato biochemical and mineral profile of lactationg dairy cows by Biju Chacko K.,.Syam Mohan, K.M., Ally, K.,.Shyama, K., Anil K.S. and.Sathian C.T
37)Association of a novel single nucleotide polymorphism at the exon-2 of Insulin –like growth factor I(IGFI) gene with phenotypic variants in goats
Thomas Naicy, Thirupathy Venkatachalapathy, Thazhathuveettil .Aravindakshan, Kunniyoor Raghavan, Mangattumuruppel Mini and Kulangara Shyama Veterinary Arhiv 87 (4),457-472, 2017
38) cDNA cloning, structural analysis, SNP detection and tissue expression profile of the IGFI gene in Malabari and Attappady Black goats Thomas Naicy, Thirupathy Venkatachalapathy, Thazhathuveettil .Aravindakshan, Kunniyoor Raghavan, Mangattumuruppel Mini and Kulangara Shyama India Journal of Genetics vol 96, No 2. June 2017
39)Evaluation of hydroponic fodder as a partial feed substitute in the ration of crossbred calves by
.Rajkumar, G.,.Dipu, M.T. Lalu K,.Shyama K, and Banakar P.S.Accepted for publication (ARCC/B-3431) Agricultural research communication centre dated 19-5-2017
40)Effect of paddy straw plus nonforage fibre sources based complete rations with different levels of neutral detergent fibre on nitrogen balance of lactating dairy cows K.Biju Chacko, K.M.Syam Mohan, K. Ally, K.Shyama, K.S.Anil, and C.T.Sathian Indian Journal of Veterinary Research vol 26 No 2 2017:30-36
41)Performance enhancement of lactating dairy cows by dietary inclusion of neutral detergent fibres
Biju Chacko., Syammohan K.M., Ally K., Shyama K., Anil K.S. and Sathian C.T.Indian Vet. J.
December 2017 94 (12)45-48
42)Evaluation of growth, yield, nutritive value and cost of production of maize fodder grown under hydroponic systems Rajkumar G., Dipu M.T., Gangadevi P., Lalu K., Shyama K. and Anil K.S J.Vet and Anim. Sci. vol.48 2017, issue 1
43)Effect of fennel seeds on biochemical and haematological parameters of Wistar albino male rats fed on high fat diet Jasmine rani K., Shyama K., Chithrima Seethal R. and Ally K. Indian Journal of
Natural Sciences Vol. 8/issue 46/Feb 2018
44)Effects of different levels of DL methionine supplementation on low hatch weight broiler chicken
carcass charecteristics Nagarjune J. Deepak, Senthilmurugan S., Chinthuravisankar, Biju Chacho
and Shyama K. Indian Journal of Natural science vol.8 /issue 47/April 2018
45)In vitro Evaluation of Ayurvedic pharmaceutical byproducts as an alternate feed source
Sajith Purushothaman1, Shyama.K2, Ally.K3, Dileep.V4, Anil.K.S5 and Siju Joseph6 Indian Journal of
Natural Sciences ©IJONS Vol. 8 / Issue 49 /August 2018