17Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University will collaborate with an Indonesian University in the area of Entrepreneurship, Policy research, Food security, One Health, Livestock farming and dairying. 55 year old Syiah Kuala University based at Banda Ache in Indonesia had shown keen interest in collaborating with KVASU. In the era where South East Asian Nations-ASEAN agreement is on the verge of implementation, collaboration will help KVASU to explore better opportunies within South East Asia.
Recently Director of Entrepreneurship of KVASU Dr.T.P.Sethumadhavan visited the Syah Kuala University based at Banda Ache, Indonesia to deliver keynote address in the International Workshop on Food security and Food Safety-Clean green and Ethical Animal production. Syah Kuala University is having 55 year old Veterinary School and 33000 students. Tropical climate is similar to Kerala. It is a province in the Sumatran Islands which was totally affected during Tsunami. Two lakh people died during Tsunami from this region. This is an epicenter for Earthquake in the Sumatran Islands. The country is importing Milk, Meat and other products from Australia and European Union. There is immense potential for commercial dairying and small ruminant production in the region. Moreover the country has lot of local cattle and Buffaloes namely Ache Cattle. There is huge potential for crossbreeding this stock with exotic cattle to augment production. . Indonesian University had shown interest in popularizing Commercial Dairy farming, Entrepreneurship, One Health and sustainable livestock farming. KVASU is pursuing further for a meaningful collaboration in the respective areas. More over University will pursue further for student and faculty exchange between the two Universities. Senior officials of Syah Kuala University will visit KVASU during November and discuss further for a meaningful collaboration. Indonesian University is implementing Technology incubation as part of Diploma programme to develop skill oriented technicians for the Dairy industry.