02Technical and administrative sanction has been accorded by the Convener, M and E cell for the conduct of three days training programme in Central instruments Laboratory for postgraduate students ( M.V.Sc.. M.Tech. and Ph.D.)ofCoVAS-Pookode, CoVAS-Mannuthy and CDST- Mannuthy, for familiarizing them in handling sophisticated equipments, new laboratory procedures and analytical techniques. The proposed training is fully sponsored by Directorate of Academics and Research,KVASU.
Dr.V.Ramnath, Professor and Implementing Officer will coordinatethe training program. The program will be implemented in association with Monitoring and Evaluation cell of KVASU and Central Instruments Laboratory, CoVAS,Mannuthy.
The training is proposed to be held during February and March of 2016 (for six batches, three days each, 15 students in each batch), before 31-03-2016. It is proposed to give training to 90 numbers of PG & Ph D students belonging to 2014and 2015 admission (Ph.D. 2013, if any) on first come first served basis.However preference will be given to 2014 batch students undergoing II M.V.Sc. programme.
Hence all heads of departments of three colleges are requested to intimate this information to PG and PhD students and direct them to send the application in the following proforma to ramnath@kvasu.ac.in with a copy to chinnu@kvasu.ac.in. The application should reach the undersigned on or before 5thFebruary 2016.HoDsare also requested to permit the selected students to undergo training and the attendance particulars of thoseselected will be intimated to the respectiveHoDs.
Dr V Ramnath
Training Co-ordinator & PI
Revolving Fund- CIL, CoVAS, Mannuthy