17University Goat and Sheep Farm, Mannuthy had organized the 30th two days training on “Commercial Goat Farming” on 13th and 14th September, 2018. Fourteen farmers/entrepreneurs participated in the programme. The training started with an introductive lecture by Dr. R. Thirupathy Venkatachalapathy, Professor and Head, Goat and Sheep Farm, followed by lectures from experts of various disciplines which include Dr. Madhavan Unni, Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, Dr. Benjamin E.D, Assistant Professor, CPPR, Dr. Deepa Ananth, Assistant Professor, Directorate of Entrepreneurship, Dr. Manju Sasidharan, Assistant Professor, Department of Livestock Production Management, Dr. V. Vishnu Savanth, Research Associate and Dr. Safeer M. Saifudeen, Senior Research Fellow, ICAR-AICRP on Goat Improvement (Malabari). Field visit was arranged to a Goat Farm at Thiroor having 125 goats, maintained by Chaldean Seminary.