Quotations are invited for providing transport facility @ KVASU, Mannuthy Campus
Ph: 0487-2370451, 2370344 (O) 2327081 (R), Telefax: 0487-2370388
No: G /1573/2012 Date: 27.03.2012
Sealed competitive quotations are invited from those desirous of providing transportation facility to the staff and students of this college on contract basis. The vehicle (bus) having 50 seats capacity should be operated with 2 crew members (driver, conductor) as specified below on all working days.
1) The schedule will be operated between Mannuthy Campus & Thrissur Town.
2) The no. of schedules in a day will not exceed 5
3) A schedule will mean a trip from Mannuthy Campus to Thrissur Town and back.
4) The Schedule will be operated on all working days of the college.
5) The fuel / propulsion, repair/maintenance charges insurance, tax, remuneration of crew etc will not be the liability of the college.
6) The quotation rate should be for operation of trips in a day.
7) Payment will be made to the contractor in the succeeding month (1st week) based on the trip sheet showing no. of days the Schedules are operated multiplied by the rate accepted for a day.
8) The time schedule, route and stops fixed by the college will be binding on the contractor.
9) The conductor of the bus will ensure that only students and staff are boarded in the bus based on the photo ID card and buss pass issued by the college.
10) The crew will behave neatly with the staff and students while on travel leaving no room for complaint.
11) The contract will be in force for one year from the date of actual operation of the service.
12) The college authority will be at liberty to terminate the contract even before one year at any time without assigning any reason.
The quotations should be addressed to the Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy – 680 651 and the envelops containing the quotations should bear the superscription “Quotation for supplying transportation facility”. The last date of receipt of quotation is 07.04.2012 03.pm. The quotations received up to the prescribed time will be opened at 3.30 PM on 07.04.2012 in the presence of those quoted or their authorized representatives who may be present at the time at the office. The lowest rate if found reasonable will be accepted.
The successful tenderer should enter into a contract with the University in the prescribed form in a Kerala Government Stamp paper worth Rs.100/- and should deposit as security an amount of Rs35,000/-
The payment to the contractor will be made deducting the Income Tax if any due to be remitted to the Income Tax Department.
The undersigned reserves the right to reject any or all quotations without assigning any reasons.