09Dr. Syam K. Venugopal, Associate Professor, Dept of Vet. Surgery and Radiology, CV & AS , Mannuthy, received the prestigious Prof. S. S. Mishra award for the best research article published in the Indian Journal of Canine Practice, during the year 2011. Dr. N. Madhavanunny, Assistant Professor, Dept of Clinical Vet. Medicine, CV & AS , Mannuthy, received the award for the best research article presented in the Clinical Medicine session of VIII th annual congress of Indian Society for Advancement of Canine Practice (ISACP) held at Sher –e-Kashmir university, Jammu, 2011.
Dr.Syam K Venugopal and Dr.N.Madhavanunny received the awards during the International congress of Indian Society for the Advancement of Canine Practice , held at RAJUVAS, Bikaner, Rajasthan.