22Dr. Anil C. Mathew, Professor of Biostatistics, PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research, Coimbatore delivered a talk on "Application of Statistics in Clinical Trails with an emphasis on Randomized Control Trials" on 17th Sept 2012 at CVAS, Mannuthy. 45 members including students and faculties of College of Veterinary Animal sciences Mannuthy participated in the interaction.
He emphasized the need for randomized control trial and explained the consideration at different steps in conducting a clinical trial. Overall consideration must include objectives, target population, what are the primary and secondary variables to be collected, what is sample size, taking consent from the individual, random allocation, blinding/masking and allocation concealment. He explained the importance for trial design consideration, trial conduct consideration, data analysis consideration and report preparation while conducting a clinical trial.The difference between prospective study and randomized control trial, different procedures and the need for randomization was discussed very briefly. He also explained about the different randomization schemes and also introduced an advanced scheme namely adaptive biased-coin design-the urn design. Procedure of the sample selection using the new method was demonstrated with an example. Among the various designs that can be used in clinical trials, he gave a brief account of parallel design, cross over design and factorial design. He also explained some bio-statistical issues related to the outcome evaluation of the trial. Dr. K.A. Mercy welcomed the gathering and Dr. C. Sunanda from Department of Statistics expressed vote of thanks