03Sealed competitive tenders are invited (No: G1/745/2011 Dated 30th April.2011 of Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy) for supply of feed ingredients required to farms (Animal/Poultry), Schemes, Departments of College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Mannuthy, Thiruvazhamkunnu, Thumburmuzhi and Kolahalamedu for a period of one year from 1.5.2011 to 30.4.2012. Rate per quintal should be quoted.
The tenders should be addressed to the Dean, College of Veterinary & Animal Sciences, Mannuthy in a sealed cover duly superscribed “G1/745/2011 - Tender for supply of Feed Ingredients for the year 2011 -12. The last date for the receipt of filled in tenders is 2.30 pm on 21.5.2011 and the same will be opened at 3.00 pm on the same date in the presence of tenderers or their authorized representatives who may be present at that time. If any bundh/strike/any unexpected holiday occurs on the date of opening of tender, the tender will be opened at the same time on the next working day.
Tenders should be submitted in the prescribed forms which can be downloaded from the website The cost of tender forms will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Click here to view the tender notice
Click here to download the tender forms