09KVASU – Bifurcation from KAU - Transfer of employees and labourers to KVASU - joining duty permitted - Posting Orders issued
KVASU/GA-242/2011 Date: 09.05.2011
Read: - 1. KVASU Act 3/2011.
2. Election Commission Lr.No.1008/EL4/2011/Elec.(1243) dated 20-04-2011.
3. KAU Proceedings GA.E2.25771/2010 dtd. 05-05-2011.
4. KVASU Proceedings KVASU.GA.242/2011 dated 07-05-2011
O r d e r
As per Kerala Agricultural University (KAU) Proceedings read as (3) above orders have been issued relieving those employees and labourers whose options have been accepted by the Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University (KVASU), as per the list appended to the order, deeming the date of relief on 30-04-2011 AN with directions to report before the Registrar, KVASU on or before 09-05-2011 with necessary proof of ID. Accordingly, the KVASU, as per proceedings read as 4th paper above, has accorded sanction to admit the above said employees and labourers to the KVASU Service as per the list appended thereto, in accordance with provisions of Section 55(6) of the KVASU Act 3/2011. It was also ordered that those employees/labourers who were working in the transferred Stations/Institutions prior to the relief order (3) read above and now relieved from Kerala Agricultural University, will report before the Heads of Offices concerned rather than reporting to the undersigned, and the Heads of Offices, in turn, will forward reports of joining duty to the undersigned, forthwith.
In the circumstances, the following orders are issued:
i. The employees and labourers joined duty in the KVASU service on 7th/9th of May, 2011, are posted in the stations/institutions under the KVASU as shown in the statement appended.
ii. They will be deemed to have joined duty in the KVASU service w.e.f. 01-05-2011 FN.
iii. The service conditions of the employees and labourers will be protected as per relevant provisions in the Act 3/2011.
R e g i s t r a r