20As part of National Agriculture and Animal Husbandry fair State level Animal Husbandry Seminar and Farmer Scientist interaction will be held at Koothuparamba Muncipal Hall of Kannur District on 21st May 2013. State level inauguration of the project of Directorate of Entrepreneurship of KVASU will be held at the same venue on 21st May 2013. Hon'ble Minister for Dairying, Government of Kerala Sri. K.C.Joseph will inaugurate the state level project on Productivity enhancement of KVASU. Vice Chancellor, KVASU Dr.B.Ashok will inaugurate the farmer scientist interaction. DIrector of Entrepreneurship Dr.S.Ramkumar,Dr.K.G.Suma(DAH) Dr.K.AnilKumar, Dr.V.K.Vinod, Dr.T.P.Sethumadhavan and Dr.A.Prasad rwill participate in the Farmer Scientist interactions.200 farmers will participate in the seminar.