21The Annual Athletic meet of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy begins at Mannuthy campus on 22nd March 2015. This is organised by Students Union of College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy. Dr.Sisiliamma George, Dean, College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Mannuthy hoisted the flag and delivered the Patrons address. Director of Entrepreneurship, KVASU Dr.T.P.Sethumadhavan inaugurated the meet. Director(Academics & Research) Dr.K.Devada handed over the Olympic Torch. Oath taking ceremony was done by Athletic Captain Vishnudev Vijayakumar and President, Students Union 2013-14 Melvin V Jacob welcomed the delegates. Around 200 Athlets are participating in the event. Dr.K.Anilkumar, Associate Dean distributed the prizes in the first event.